I NTRODUCTION Today I am going to talk to you about Solar Power. Solar Power comes from the Sun. It heats the earth and gives us energy to power every thing that needs power.
W HAT IS SOLAR POWER ? Solar power is very expensive and important piece of energy. It is a renewable energy used globally. Solar energy comes from the Sun. Solar power powers people Solar penal which have photovoltaic cell. Solar power needs no fuel so it is not bad for the environment and it doesn’t cause pollution so it is good for animals an plants.
W HAT DOES S OLAR E NERGY POWER ? Solar power powers Microwaves, Kitchen Appliances and hot water. It also powers Solar Powered Cars and other appliances that need energy or electricity.
W HERE DOES S OLAR POWER COME FROM ? Solar power comes from the Sun and heats water and gives us energy and power.
H OW DOES SOLAR POWER WORK ? Solar power works by the sun that powers the solar penal that powers the Charge Controller that powers the Battery System that could powers DC Power or could power the Inverter that powers the AC power.
C ONCLUSION Thank You for watching my slide. By Tara Young 5M