Change in the Middle East By Nathan Wigger. Tunisia In 2009, Tunisia held their first democratic election. On June 23 rd, they had their 2 nd democratic.


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Presentation transcript:

Change in the Middle East By Nathan Wigger

Tunisia In 2009, Tunisia held their first democratic election. On June 23 rd, they had their 2 nd democratic election. After the second election, they had the creation of their own democratic parties.

Algeria Still under a dictatorship. Helping and receiving aid from Al Qaeda. There is still a civil war going on that hasn’t ended for the past 20 years.

Egypt In January of 2011, a revolution took place. Thousands of people took the streets of Cairo. There were protests in the cities for 18 days until President Mubarak resigned after 30 years of presidency. Now they plan to hold democratic elections.

Libya Libya has probably changed the most. The people had a complete revolution and a civil war against their government. Most of Gaddafi’s family members including him, were killed during the process.

Saudi Arabia The Islamic culture has been known to be strict and harsh on women. In order for them to go out and buy something or open up a bank account, they need a male guardian's approval in Saudi Arabia. Now women are free to go buy anything they want without a male guardian, IF, they are rung up by a female clerk or saleswoman.

Jordan Most recently they had a political reform. Democratic voting been attempted for some parts of the government, but the king still hasn’t stepped down from power.

Yemen A major demonstration of over 16,000 protestors took place in Sana'a, Yemen's capital, on 27 January. On 2 February, Saleh announced he would not run for reelection in 2013 and that he would not pass power to his son. On 3 February, 20,000 people protested against the government in Sana'a, while others protested in Aden, a southern Yemeni seaport city, in a "Day of Rage" called for by Tawakel Karman, while soldiers, armed members of the General People's Congress and many protestors held a pro-government rally in Sana'a.

Syria The Syrian civil war, also referred to as the Syrian uprising, is an ongoing armed conflict in Syria between forces loyal to the Ba'ath Party government and those seeking to oust it. The conflict began on 15 March 2011 with nationwide demonstrations as part of the wider protest movement known as the Arab Spring. Protesters demanded the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad, as well as the end to nearly five decades of Ba'ath Party rule.