Powers of Government Unit 2: Lesson 1
Today’s Goals Learning Goals Success Criteria Be able to explain the different branches and levels of government in Canada Be able to identify the responsibilities of each branch Be able to communicate their understanding of federal, municipal and provincial governments Success Criteria I can explain the different levels and branches of the Canadian government I can identify the responsibilities of each branch of government I can communicate my knowledge on the government system.
Branches of Government Executive Made up of the Prime Minister and his/her cabinet The power to administer the country and carry out the laws Legislative Made up of all members of parliament and senators The power to make laws Judicial Has different levels of courts, each having a different function The power to decide who has broken the law
Levels of Government Federal Provincial Municipal Responsible for things that affect ALL Canadians Ex. Citizenship, National Defense, Health Provincial Responsible for provincial programs. Ex. Education, Children and Youth services, Health promotion and sport. Municipal Responsible for each city or community Ex. Fire protection, Policing, Waste management, Libraries,
Distribution of Power
Federal Provincial Municipal Choose which branch of government you think would belongs to each responsibility
Let’s Brainstorm….What responsibilities does each branch of government have? Federal Provincial Municipal
1. Responsible for administering the health care system
2. Implementing garbage pick-up and recycling services
3. Responsible for administering various social and economic benefit incentives programs delivered through the tax system
4. Responsible for healthy growth and child development, protecting children from abuse and supports to children with special needs
5. Specializing in the sustainable development and use of natural resources, energy, minerals, metals, forest and earth sciences across the nation
Let’s Practice… Look at the document “FPM Worksheet” and determine which box best fits the following: 1. Provincial 2. Federal 3. Municipal Try to determine some additional services each branch of government is responsible for.
What other responsibilities does each branch of government have? Federal Provincial Municipal
Federal Provincial Municipal Some things we may have missed.. Federal Provincial Municipal Canadian Heritage Agriculture and Agri-food Human Resources and Skills Development Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development National Revenue Justice Labour Finance Veterans Affairs Public Works and Government services Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Aboriginal Affairs Culture Energy Agriculture, food, and rural affairs Natural Resources Northern Development, Mines and Forestry Tourism Revenue Training, Colleges and Universities Transportation Health and Long-term care Community Safety and Correctional Services Animal control Drainage Heritage Preservation Public Health and Inspections Public Housing Local Utilities Water and Sewer Transportation systems Economic Development Business and Marriage Licensing Municipal parking lots and structures
Are there any commonalities? Do any of the branches of government share responsibilities? Can you think of any? Federal and Provincial Provincial and Municipal Federal and Municipal All Three
Culminating Task Step 3 Go to: Google website (GAPPS) Complete Step 3 Level of Government: Explain each level of government Choose which level fits best with your topic