Female Reproduction
► Ovary ► Sex gland similar to male testicle ► one located on each side of the uterus ► Stores/matures ova
► Ova ► female sex cell ► life span hours after ovulation ► about 400,000 eggs stored in each ovary at birth ► 1 egg is released each month after puberty (every 28 days) ► once one sperm cell fertilizes the egg a wall is produced to block other sperm from entering ► when fertilization occurs menstruation stops
► Ovulation ► releasing a mature ova from the ovaries approx. 14th day of 28 day menstrual cycle ► Female’s MOST FERTILE TIME is 3 days before and 2 days after ovulation ► Fallopian Tubes ► two tubes that allow the ova to move to the uterus ► 1 to 5 days to reach uterus ► occasionally an egg matures in the tube and painfully ruptures ► Fimbria ► Finger like projections in fallopian tubes that help ova move to the uterus
► Fertilization ► Union between the sperm cell and an ovum ► Occurs in the fallopian tubes ► Uterus ► Pear shaped structure that will house a developing embryo during pregnancy ► When it is time for the fetus to be born the uterus will contract to expel its components
► Cervix ► Opening at the top end of the vagina (base of the uterus) ► During pregnancy cervix is sealed to stop infection and allow amniotic fluid to fill the uterus ► expands to 10 cm. during childbirth ► Endometrium ► Internal lining of the uterus ► Sheds for 5-7 days at the beginning of a menstrual cycle
► Vagina ► Female sex organ ► Intercourse takes place ► Sperm is deposited ► Menstrual discharge passes out ► functions as a birth canal ► Clitoris ► Female erectile tissue between the labia ► Labia majora and labia minora are folds of skin ► Hymen ► Membrane that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening
► Menstrual Cycle ► 28 day cycle to prepare for possible fertilization and pregnancy ► Implantation ► embedding of a fertilized egg in the endometrial lining ► Embryo ► 1st two months of development in the fetus ► Fetus ► last 7 months of prenatal development ► Placenta ► nourishes the fetus (unborn baby)
Breast self-exam ► ► Check your breasts each month after each period ► ► Step 1 ► ► Look at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips. ► ► This is what to look for: Breasts that are their usual size, shape, and color. Breasts that are evenly shaped without visible distortion or swelling. ► ► If you see any of the following changes, visit your doctor: Dimpling, puckering, or bulging of the skin. A nipple that has changed position or a nipple that is pushed inwards instead of sticking out (an inverted nipple). Redness, soreness, rash, or swelling.
► ► Step 2: ► ► Next, raise your arms above your head, lightly grip your fingers and look for the same changes. ► ► Step 3: ► ► Lightly squeeze each nipple between your finger and thumb and check for any discharge that looks like a milky or yellow fluid or blood oozing from the nipple.
► ► Step 4: ► ► Lie on your back with your right arm raised and your hand under your head. With the left hand, check your right breast using the first few fingers of your hand with a firm, smooth touch, keeping the fingers flat and together. Cover the breast from top to bottom, side to side from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit to your cleavage. ► ► Cover the whole breast. Begin at the nipple, moving in larger and larger circles until you reach the outer edge of the breast. Also move your fingers up and down. Feel all the breast tissue: just beneath your skin with a soft touch and down deeper with a firmer touch. Examine each area with a very soft touch, and then increase pressure so that you can feel the deeper tissue, down to your ribcage. Repeat for the left breast.
► ► Step 5: ► ► Now stand or sit on the edge of a chair and examine your breasts again. It might also be easier to examine your breasts when the skin is wet so you could do this step in the shower. Be sure to cover the entire breast, using the same hand movements described in Step 4.
► Estrogen ► female hormone produced by the ovaries ► stimulates the development of the female secondary sex characteristics/menstrual cycle Female Secondary Sex Characteristics ► breast enlargement ► onset of menstrual cycle ► hips widen ► pubic hair
► Breast Cancer ► most common cause of cancer in women ► 2nd most common cause of cancer death in women in U.S. (most common ages ) ► lump or change in consistency of breast tissue can be a warning sign of the disease ► male breast cancer does occurs ► Only 1% of male cancer deaths
► Treatment ► depends on type and extent to which it has spread ► surgery to remove cancer alone ► removal of breast (mastectomy) ► radiation/chemotherapy
► Cervical Cancer ► about 11,000 new cases a year and about 3,700 deaths ► Pap smear test is used to detect cervical abnormalities ► has helped decrease mortality from the disease
► Risks for Cervical Cancer ► Having more than 7 children ► Intercourse with multiple partners ► 1st episode of intercourse at a young age ► smoking ► oral contraceptives more than 5 years ► infrequent Pap tests and cervical examinations
► Signs and Symptoms ► abnormal vaginal bleeding ► bleeding after intercourse, douching, or pelvic exam ► increased vaginal discharge ► pelvic pain ► Treatment ► Surgery ► Radiation therapy ► Chemotherapy