Who took over as president because President Roosevelt died of a stroke in April 1945?
Why did Great Britain and France finally declare war on Germany in September 1939?
What was the first priority of President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill to defeat the Axis Powers?
Why did Japan plan a large-scale attack against the U.S. naval fleet at Pearl Harbor?
Why did Hitler directed his anger towards intellectuals, Communists, and Jews in the 1930s?
Name the Tuskegee Airman that later became the first African American general in the U.S. Air Force.
What is the name of the largest naval battle in history?
What allowed the government to begin the process of internment, or forced relocation and imprisonment, of Japanese Americans?
Why was the United States was expected to be responsible for most of the postwar rebuilding?
Who organized a march on Washington in 1941 to demand equal pay for black workers?
What was the significance of the America’s Selective Training and Service Act in 1940?
Who was was the Italian leader who allied with Hitler to form the Axis Powers?
What were the 3 countries besides the United States that made up the Allied Powers?
What is the name of the battle that was the counterattack launched by Germans after the D-Day invasion?
What event during WWI caused the death of 600 Americans and thousands of Filipinos?
Which president ordered use of atomic bombs on Japan?
Who was the American general who was forced to retreat from the Philippines in March 1942?
What terms means the extermination of an entire group of people?
Name the seamstress was arrested for refusing to give her seat to a white passenger.
What was a sit-in?
Name the tactic of purposely crashing piloted planes into enemy ships.
What is the policy of avoiding war with an aggressive nation by giving in to its demands?
During what battle in the Soviet Union, did German forces freeze or starve to death?
What is the name given to the invasion on June 6, 1944, in which thousands of Allied soldiers were killed or wounded?
What finally ended the Montgomery bus boycott end?
NAACP attorney, Thurgood Marshall, argued for who in Brown v. Board of Education?
What gave the federal government new powers to protect African Americans’ voting rights?
Where did Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech during a massive civil rights demonstration?
One of the first decisions made by the United Nations was to divide Palestine into separate Arab and what states?
What group was created to continue the peaceful struggle for civil rights?
Name the policy allowing the United States to aid any nation vital to its defense.
Who block the students from entering the school the Little Rock Nine from integrating Central High School on September 4, 1957?
Some of the benefits of the G.I. Bill of Rights offered to veterans were money for what 3 things?
What did Dwight D. Eisenhower say was the first task of his administration would be?
Which president sent U.S. military forces to South Korea to give South Korean troops cover and support?
Name the book that was written in 1952 focusing on the isolation from mainstream society felt by many African Americans.
President Truman appointed Eleanor Roosevelt as one of the first U.S. delegates to what group?
The new foreign policy the United States developed to deal with the Cold War was based on the goal of what?
A crisis involving what, which began when Britain, France, and Israel invaded Egypt, ended with a U.S.-Soviet agreement to condemn the invasion?
Name the first African American woman elected to the U.S. Congress.
What is the term that came to be used to describe the struggle for global power between the United States and the Soviet Union?
Why did a lot of people in the 1950s move to the Sun Belt?
The United States joined nine Western European countries, along with Iceland and Canada, to form the what organization?
What swept America in the 1940s and 1950s, when Americans again became preoccupied with fear of Communists?
In October 1957, the Soviet Union launched the world’s first artificial satellite by the name of what?
Which Senator claimed to know of Communists who were aiding the Soviet Union from inside the U.S. State Department?