Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera is a recording artist from America. She first appeared on TV when she was 10 years old as a contestant on the Star Search program, and went on to star in Disney Channel's television series The Mickey Mouse Club from 1993– Christina Aguilera also recorded the theme song ‘Reflection’ for the Disney film Mulan in She has released eight albums throughout her music career, with many singles reaching the charts worldwide.
Website 1940’s Marilyn Monroe feel - similar photography, same hair style and makeup Set up like a television screen, makes her main focus Everything else is designed to keep attention on the images of her – fonts are very simple and the black and white background. Makeup ties in with the house styles – nails are black and lips are red Baby pink background with a light pattern only goes down one side to not distract the attention from her
Album: Stripped Her name is across centre in a bigger font than the album title at the bottom of the page – selling herself as n artist rather than selling her album There is a plain white background that makes her image an name stand out Costume and pose is very provocative No eye contact with audience, main focus is on her body
Album: Back to Basics Ironic – as ‘stripped’ was more basic than this album as ‘stripped’ showed her as she really was. Image very contrived. Very airbrushed. Her name doesn't need to be as big on this album as she is looking at the camera and as this is one of her later albums people already know who she is Name in black – matches her eye makeup Title in red – matches her lips Everything is constructed to give off a certain image, ironic as its set up rather than ‘back to basics’
Back of Albums The back of the albums are very similar in they both feature an image of Christina Aguilera however the image on ‘Back to Basics’ is very posed compared to the one on ‘stripped’. ‘Stripped’ maintains the colour scheme of black and white whereas ‘Back to Basics’ features pink as well as the colours on the front of the album
Her dress sense has changed overtime from very revealing clothing to match her R’n’B style of music to 1940’s glam to match her jazz and soul style of music more recently. Changing Image Overtime she has lost her dreadlock highlighted hair for platinum blonde curls to match the era she was aiming for. She has also lost her many piercings including her nose stud and has only kept a piercing in each ear lobe.
What do others say about her? “So, farewell Xtina, the dirrty girl who dressed like a hooker from Star Wars and insisted she was beautiful no matter what you said, and hello Christina, the sophisticated vamp with the Jean Harlow coiffure and the 1940s wardrobe” – The Guardian “It's been It's been three and a half years since Christina Aguilera's well-received four-times platinum Grammy- winning sophomore album Stripped. It's a much longer gap in records than most fans of pop music are used to. But as Christina's been saying for quite a while - the album is worth the wait” – BC Music
Music Videos Dirrty Hurt
Music Videos The majority of Christina Aguilera’s videos are performance based and then either with narration or concept parts within. In her earlier videos like ‘dirrty’ there is much more to the notion of looking as she puts herself out there in revealing costumes and by dancing provocatively. In her more recent videos such as ‘hurt’ it focuses much more on Christina as a performer with costumes just matching the setting and style of the music video, for example, 1940’s circus costumes as the video is set in an empty circus tent. In Christina Aguilera’s firs videos the cast was very large whereas in more recent ones there are less people featured in them. In both videos close up shots are used frequently due to Christina Aguilera being the main selling point of the songs.