RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS State-wide Smallpox Immunization Training
State of Rhode Island Fun Facts: 1 State Department of Health No County Government 1 Medical Reserve Corps Unit (1371 volunteers) Population 1,000,000 Rhode Island reached the highest H1N1 vaccination rate for children in the country = 84.7% using an ALL VOLUNTEER corps lead by the RI Medical Reserve Corps
Rhode Island MRC H1N1Success RI MRC held 18 H1N1 Immunization Training courses in 2009 training 749 volunteers, pre- response, that then participated in the H1N1 state-wide, school-based vaccination campaign 421 schools in 28 days (Round 1) 155,649 H1N1 vaccinations provided in schools Training courses consisted of review of Incident Command, school-based approach, H1N1, adverse reactions, draw-up and IM competencies and badge and t-shirt distribution
Smallpox Immunization Training Offered 7 Smallpox Immunization Training Courses 1 Train the Trainer Course (25 attendees) 6 courses using Trainers as preceptors
Course Curriculum Disease history Vaccine characteristics, efficacy Vaccine adverse effects Mass response - ring vaccination Screening Administration technique Care of Site Adverse reactions
May 7, 2011 Group Discussion at Smallpox Train the Trainer
Technique Evaluation via preceptors Silicone Simulated Skin Form and Bifurcated Needle
Smallpox Survey
Benefits of Smallpox Training Course: 81 competent preceptors available for a large- scale training push Increased awareness of Smallpox amongst the response community Volunteer involvement / interaction Able to test the RI Responds system Strengthened the RI MRC’s training process
Trained are Tracked
Take Away If you don’t know the MRC Coordinator for your state, you should: Medical Reserve Corps is a definitive and useful resource to the public health and emergency response systems in every state Remember the state-wide MRC Grant opportunity and take advantage.
Erin McDonough Rhode Island State Coordinator Medical Reserve Corps Contact Information