Community Liaison Training NCLB Parental Involvement Requirements “Creating an Audit Trail” October 19, 2007 Eduardo Elizondo, Director Federal Programs Department San Antonio ISD
Monitoring Indicator 2.3 Ensuring that schools meet parental involvement requirements. Acceptable evidence: Notification letters about school improvement status, public school choice, supplemental educational services, teacher and paraprofessional qualifications, the assignment of a child to a teacher who does not meet HQT requirements. Evidence that the school’s parental involvement policies have been distributed to parents.
Monitoring Indicator 2.3 Cont’d Copies of the LEA and school written parental involvement policies and evidence that each is updated periodically. Copies of school-parent compacts. Evidence that schools hold an annual meeting to inform parents about Title I programs. Evidence that schools review the effectiveness of the school’s parental involvement activities. (Evaluations)
Monitoring Indicator 2.3 Cont’d Evidence that schools have carried out the six requirements to build parents’ capacity to be involved in school. Evidence that schools communicate with parents in multiple languages, in writing and orally, as appropriate. Evidence that explains the process of developing/revising PI policies, including the timeline and method used.
Monitoring Indicator 2.3 Cont’d Six Requirements to Build Capacity 1)Assist parents in understanding the State’s academic content standards, student academic achievement standards and academic assessments. 2)Provide material and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology, to foster parent involvement.
Monitoring Indicator 2.3 Cont’d Six Requirements to Build Capacity 3) Educate school personnel, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, how to reach, communicate and work with parents. 4)Coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with other organizations such as Head Start, Parents as Teachers, etc.
Monitoring Indicator 2.3 Cont’d Six Requirements to Build Capacity 5)Ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings and other activities is sent to parents in a format and language that parents can understand. 6)Provide reasonable support for parent involvement activities as parents request.
Monitoring Indicator 2.3 Cont’d How have you informed parents about the Title I program, and how have they been involved in program planning? How does the school review the PI policies and parent-school compacts for content consistent with requirements?
Monitoring Indicator 2.3 Cont’d Do you have parent-school compacts in place? Can you describe what these compacts are intended to accomplish? When do you hold the annual parent meeting and what is discussed at the meeting?
Monitoring Indicator 2.3 Cont’d How do you annually evaluate your PI activities and how are parents involved in this evaluation? How are parents involved in decisions about how the school uses its portion of the 1% PI set-aside money?
Monitoring Indicator 1.4 Evidence of how the individual school report cards were sent to parents in print form. Evidence of how the District Report Card was disseminated. Evidence of how student assessment data was reported to parents.
Monitoring Indicator 2.4 Describe the relationship of the school improvement plan (CIP) to instructional activities carried out in the school.
Monitoring Indicator 2.6 Describe the process for assisting parents, when requested, to select an SES provider. (We can’t suggest one provider over another.)
Monitoring Indicator 2.7 How does the school use assessment results to modify the schoolwide program plan and its implementation? If the school is in improvement, how is the plan used to influence changes in the curriculum and improve teaching and learning? What technical assistance and support have you received related to planning, implementation, or evaluation of the SW program?
Monitoring Indicator 3.2 Evidence that the CIP included input from teachers, principals, administrators and other appropriate school personnel, and parents of children in schools receiving Title I services.
Monitoring Indicator 3.2 Cont’d Staff demonstrates an understanding of the connection between school improvement and effective use of funds.
Monitoring Indicator 3.3 Do low-income and enrollment data support the rank ordering of schools? Evidence that, once schools with poverty rates above 75% have been served, if there are funds available to serve additional schools, the additional schools have been ranked from highest % of poverty to lowest % of poverty.
Monitoring Indicator 3.4 Evidence that schoolwide expenditures have not supplanted non-Federal funds. Personnel understand the intent and purpose of schoolwide programs.
Monitoring Indicator 1.1 Evidence the school collects information on homeless children and youth, including their places of residence. Evidence the school ensures that homeless students are included in statewide assessments. Evidence the school reports achievement data for homeless students.
Monitoring Indicator 2.1 Evidence that the schools coordinate programs and services between the schools and other agencies to assist in identification, enrollment and retention of homeless students. Describe the liaison’s community outreach and collaboration activities with service providers for homeless students.
Monitoring Indicator 2.1 Cont’d How does the school ensure homeless students are enrolled and assisted with basic school requirements (e.g., records transfer, health and immunization records, residency)?
Monitoring Indicator 3.1 Cont’d Describe how the school provides comparable and coordinated services for homeless students. Describe the use of funds to provide supplementary services for homeless students.
Monitoring Indicator 3.4 Evidence shows that homeless students receive support services in compliance with McKinney-Vento act.
Annual Meeting with Parents Each year, the school is required to host a meeting for parents to explain what the Title I program is and how students will be assessed. Parents have a right to be involved in the Title I program, and this is explained at the meeting as well as offering suggestions as to how they can be involved.
Parents’ Right to Know Parents may request information concerning the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher/s including the degrees held, certifications held, and whether the teacher is certified in the area he/she is teaching. Schools must notify parents if their child has been assigned, or has been taught for at least four consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet the HQT definition.
Parents’ Right to Know Cont’d Parents may also request information concerning whether or not their child is receiving instruction by a teacher assistant, and if so his/her qualifications. Parent communication and involvement are important, especially under NCLB. NCLB requires that parents must be part of developing a written PI policy that is distributed to all parents, must be involved in the planning and implementation of the PI program, and must receive materials and training for parents and staff to foster greater PI.
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