Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation Summer Colloquium: Concluding Remarks Jim Yoe JCSDA Chief Administrative Officer JCSDA 2015 Colloquium Fort Collins, CO 1
Outline Some Words of Thanks What is this JCSDA, anyway? And why does it exist? What does the JCSDA do? How does the JCSDA function? And where might you fit in? What We Hope You Take Away Exit Survey JCSDA 2015 Colloquium Fort Collins, CO 2
3 What Is the JCSDA? of the JCSDA JCSDA NASA GSFC NOAA NWS U.S. Air Force NOAA OAR NOAA NESDIS U.S. Navy Mission: To accelerate and improve the quantitative use of research and operational satellite data in weather, ocean, climate and environmental analysis and prediction models. Vision: An interagency partnership working to become a world leader in applying satellite data and research to operational goals in environmental analysis and prediction
Executive Team Director (Auligne) * Deputy Director (Boukabara) Partner Associate Directors (Baker, Gelaro, Zapotocny, Benjamin, Tolman) Chief Administrative Officer (Yoe) Management Oversight Board NOAA / NWS / NCEP (Lapenta) NASA/GSFC/Earth Sciences Division (Pawson) NOAA / NESDIS / STAR (Kalb) NOAA / OAR (Atlas) Dept. of the Air Force / Air Force Director of Weather (Col. R. Swanson) Dept.of the Navy / N84 and NRL (Vincent (Chair) and Peng) Agency Executives NASA, NOAA, Department of the Navy, and Department of the Air Force Advisory Panel Science Steering Committee JCSDA Management Structure Management Structure
JCSDA 2015 Colloquium Fort Collins, CO What Does the JCSDA Do? Bridge from Idea to Implementation Basic research Applied research Research to Demonstration and Operation (JCSDA) Operational implementation 5
JCSDA 2015 Colloquium Fort Collins, CO 6 JCSDA Science Priorities Radiative Transfer Modeling (CRTM) Preparation for assimilation of data from new instruments Observations affected by clouds and precipitation Assimilation of land surface observations Assimilation of ocean surface observations Atmospheric composition; chemistry and aerosol Driving the activities of the Joint Center since 2001, approved by the Science Steering Committee Overarching goal: Help the operational services improve the quality of their prediction products via improved and accelerated use of satellite data and related research
7 e of How Does the JCSDA Function? JCSDA Modes of Operation Directed Research External Research Visiting Scientist Program (VSP) In-Kind Research O2R Facilitation - Directed by JCSDA affiliated scientists -Carried out by the partners - Short-term ROI expected - Grants and/or contracts awarded - Administered alternately by NOAA, NASA with contribution from DoD) - Open to the broader research community - Funding awarded competitively - Near-term ROI expected -Great way to initiate/strengthen involvement with JCSCA -Open to scientists from everywhere -Short-term (a few weeks/months) - Requires to Identify host at partner institution; work on JCSDA- relevant topic - Mid-term ROI expected - Research undertaken independently by partners, overlapping with JCSDA priorities -Results/ deliverable are made available, shared between partners - JCSDA coordination - Offers O2R environment -Open to External scientists, even not funded by JCSDA -Goal: funnel efforts toward helping the JCSDA partners (incl. NOAA) - Motivation is access to HPC & operational systems in R&D - S4 and JIBB
Key Contributions to JCSDA Partners 8 ▪ Science & Data Assimilation Improvements ̶ Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM), Emissivity, and Spectroscopy ̶ Cloudy and Precipitating Radiance Assimilation ̶ Land Data Assimilation ̶ Ocean Data Assimilation ̶ Atmospheric Composition Data Assimilation ▪ Contribution to Accelerating & Improving New Sensors Assimilation ▪ Data Impact Assessments (Current and Future Sensors) ̶ Afternoon Polar- Orbit Data Gap Impact Assessment ̶ 2012 snapshot of the Global Observing System Impact on NOAA NWP Systems ̶ OSSE Activities: DWSS, Wind Lidar, Geo-Hyperspectral, Geo-MW, Radio Occultation,.. ▪ O2R Environment: JIBB & S4, with GFS and GSI NOAA SensorsOther U.S. SensorsInternational Sensors - NOAA-18/19 MHS, AMSU - SNPP/ATMS - GOES Series (AMV & Radiances) - GOES-R ABI - AVHRR - SMOS - SMAP - GPM - GCOM-W AMSR2 - AIRS - SSMIS - MODIS (winds and AOD) - COSMIC - HIMAWARI GCOM-W AMSR2 - IASI - Scatterometers: ASCAT, OSCAT - SEVIRI (radiances),
O2R Environment(s) 9 ▪This is a critical piece for a successful R2O. O2R involves: –Supercomputer(s) : JIBB, S4, Zeus Allocation –Porting/benchmarking codes/systems/libraries –Documentation to help researchers navigate –User Support ▪Status: –GSI, GFS implemented/benchmarked –HWRF implemented and benchmarked –Synchronization with T1534 completed –JCSDA secured an upgrade to its JIBB and S4 supercomputers to perform OSSEs/OSEs and to keep up with the newest resolution –JCSDA secured an increase to its NOAA R&D allocation for this year on Zeus to allow contribution to the H. Sandy data gap mitigation ▪In progress: –Extension of O2R to include Ocean DA (NCODA, HYCOM) –Extension of O2R to include Land Systems (LIS). –Extension of O2R to include NAM Scientific efforts in satellite DA in academia Scientific efforts in satellite DA in NOAA Scientific efforts in satellite DA in research community Scientific efforts in satellite DA in JCSDA (funded by GOES-R, JPSS, etc) Products, techniques, improvements, with direct and immediate relevance toNOAA NWS Operational Models (both global and regional) More than ~ 50 users on both JIBB and S4 (total more than ~100). Mixture of NOAA and Researchers
JCSDA External Research Projects Project # Proposal Number(s)TitleInstitutionPI 1 12,10 Modernization of the Community line-by-line models and CRTM-OSS Implementation Atmospheric & Environmental Research (AER) Jean-Luc Moncet, PI Eli Mlawer, co-PI 2 15 Improvement and validation of JCSDA’s Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) Optical Properties Texas A&M University Ping Yang, PI 3 4 Evaluation and Improvement of Land Surface States and Parameters to Increase Assimilation of Surface-Sensitive Channels and Improve Operational Forecast Skill University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Michael Barlage, PI Xubin Zeng, co-PI 4 5 Assimilation of All-Sky Microwave and Infrared Satellite radiances: from research to Operations National Center for Atmospheric Research University of Wisconsin, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies Thomas Auligne, PI Selected Projects through the NOAA Federally-Funded Opportunity (FFO) –FY13 The FY15 External Research Opportunity: - Selection in progress. - Target Start date: August NASA/ROSES Opportunities in “even” years
Visiting Scientist Program) 11 Visit (Title)Host Institution (Beneficiary) Area of benefitV. Scientist Parent Institution Migration of a wind-wave data assimilation scheme to NOAA systems NWSOcean Data Assimilation Naval Service, Argentina HYBRID data assimilation for the Indian Ocean NWSOcean Data Assimilation Indian Met. Service (India) Exploring Mathematical cutting edge techniques in satellite data assimilation NESDISCRTM & Inversion In Cloudy/Precipitating Conditions Georgetown University (US)
Training, Education, & Outreach 12 ❖ Website: ❖ Open positions at JCSDA, opportunities, projects ❖ Monthly Seminar Series: (remote access available) ❖ Summer colloquium in satellite data assimilation (3-year cycle). ❖ Annual JCSDA workshop on satellite data assimilation (~May) ❖ Joint Workshops with Other Programs and International Partners. DTC-JCSDA joint workshop/tutorial; Joint ECMWF-JCSDA workshop on clouds/precip planned for Dec 2015 in College Park, MD ❖ JCSDA Newsletters (quarterly) ❖ Highlight achievements by JCSDA scientists (internal/external) ❖ Disseminate results and promote collaboration ❖ NOAA/JCSDA co-sponsored tenured DA position at UMD ❖ JCSDA Symposium at AMS Annual Meeting in NOLA
What We Hope You Will Take Away from the Colloquium A More Complete - and Integrated - Understanding of: Environmental Modeling Data Assimilation Systems, Methods, and Applications Role(s) of Satellites Sensors in the Global Observation System DA Assimilation Challenges Specific to using Satellite Data Increased Familiarity with the JCSDA Partners Both Individuals and Institutions Motivation to Exploit satellite data effectively in your research and applications Follow up to collaborate with people you’ve met here JCSDA 2015 Colloquium Fort Collins, CO 13
Survey Please complete and leave with Holli CIRA Specific comments (positive or negative) are the most helpful JCSDA 2015 Colloquium Fort Collins, CO 14
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