Financing Opportunities for Sustainable Energy through the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and IDB Access to Sustainable Energy For LAC: Solutions to Regional Challenges Inter-American Development Bank Washington, DC – November 3 rd, 2010
2 GEF - General Aspects The GEF is the largest public-sector funding source worldwide to support the transfer of environmentally sound technologies and promote Global Environmental Benefits associated to development goals 182 countries have access to the GEF through 10 implementing agencies (including United Nations agencies and Multilateral Development Banks) Since 1991 the GEF has provided $9 billion in grants and leveraged another $40 billion in cofinancing for more than 2600 projects. Around 21% of these funds have been invested in the LAC region The GEF allocates resources amongst 6 Focal Areas, including: biodiversity, climate change mitigation, international waters, land degradation, ozone layer and persistent organic pollutants and sustainable forest management
3 GEF - Climate Change Focal Area o The GEF has provided close to $3billion for Climate Change Mitigation (CCM), Adaptation and Enabling Activities, and has leveraged over $15billion in co-financing o Under GEF-5, the CCM strategy aims at financing projects with catalytic effects in the adoption of climate-friendly technologies that reduce or avoid large quantities of greenhouse gas emissions o This strategy will target technologies that are on stages of market demonstration, deployment and diffusion o In GEF-5, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has been allocated a total of $ for CCM, primarily to: Brazil $53.92M; Mexico $40.03M; Argentina $20.21M; Colombia $ ; and Venezuela $ 11.77
4 GEF - Climate Change Focal Area o The GEF-5 Climate Change Mitigation Strategy includes 4 core objectives that pertain to Sustainable Energy Financing: 1.Promote the demonstration, deployment and transfer of innovative low-carbon technologies 2. Promote market transformation for energy efficiency in industry and residential sectors 3. Promote investment in renewable energy technologies 4. Promote energy-efficient, low-carbon transport and urban systems Source:
5 IDB-GEF Program Overview Since joining the GEF as an Executing Agency in 2004, the IDB has developed a portfolio of nearly US$120 million in projects, with co-financing estimated at US$500 million 18 projects are under implementation and 12 in preparation Projects under the Climate Change Mitigation Focal Area of GEF represent 32% of the total Portfolio MFA –Multi-focal Area BD –Biodiversity IW –International Waters CCM –Climate Change Mitigation
6 Examples –Private Sector Energy Efficiency Guarantee Mechanism in Brazil (VPP/SCF): GEF: $10M, co-finance: $15M (IDB private sector) plus a partnership with UNDP for TA activities. Objective: provide guarantees to commercial banks for lending to ESCOs, demonstrating the financial viability of using EE savings performance contracts as loan collateral Water Funds Platform for Watershed protection ( INE/WAS ) : GEF Earth Fund: USD 5m; co-financing: USD 15m (partnership with TNC). Objective: provide a platform for private sector projects targeting watershed protection. Sources of capital for the Water Funds include private sector donations Clean Tech Fund –Regional (MIF): GEF:$0.9M; Co-finance $62M, of which at least 6.5% comes from private sector. Objective: make equity or quasi-equity investments in small-to-medium-size enterprises (SMEs) that implement renewable energy power production projects throughout 5 countries
4 Examples – Public-Private Promoting and Strengthening an Energy Efficiency Market in the Industry Sector in Chile: GEF: $2.6M; co-finance: $39.7M ($3.1M from private sector). Objective: to promote and strengthen energy efficiency in the industry sector through supporting the development of an energy efficiency services market Development of geothermal potential demonstration project: GEF: $5M; co- finance: $20.8M ($4M from private sector). Objective: to promote and support catalytic investments for geothermal power in Colombia through the development and implementation of a demonstrative geothermal project in the Macizo Volcanico del Ruiz Promotion and Development of Local Wind Technologies in Mexico: GEF: $5M; co-finance: $20.8M ($4M from private sector). The project aims to expand Mexico’s wind generation capacity by enabling local development and implementation of wind turbine technologies, particularly for distributed generation 7
8 Opportunities for engaging with IDB-GEF projects Consulting services: short term consultancies for specific project components (e.g. Baseline Studies, Economic Analysis, Financial viability, policy or regulatory framework) Contractor services: support the execution of specific project components (e.g. supply equipment for RE projects, training programs, prototype design, etc) Project partner/beneficiary: involved in project development, execution and monitoring, cofinancing Financial instruments : partial loan guarantees, revolving funds, etc
9 Eligibility for GEF finance Compliance with at least one objective of a Focal Area (FA) strategy, and its associated expected outcomes and outputs Project costs will be financed by resources under the allocation given to a country for each FA GEF will cover the incremental costs associated to the generation of Global Environmental Benefits There is clear co-financing in a ratio of GEF:Cofinance preferably of (at least) 1:3 or 1:4 The project is aligned with the country priorities and has been endorsed by the country’s designated GEF Operational Focal Point The project is aligned with IDB’s priorities and country programming (i.e. our lending portfolio)
10 More Information on GEF GEF Website: GEF Projects: IDB-GEF website: Contact: IDB-GEF Coordination Team Ricardo Quiroga Carolina Jaramillo