Almost every NETS-T standard is addressed in some manner in the video. Many are represented by the same examples.
The melding of virtual and “traditional” classrooms with apps like the ABC magnet board demonstrate all 4 of the facilitate and inspire standards.
Because of the use of the ipads, teachers must design their lessons to utilize the tools. –The abc app, I-convers app, virtual fieldtrips, and the utilization of researching and other design apps –The physics teacher had a program to design a roller coaster.
The students need to be able to use the tools on the iPad to complete the classwork. –The special needs students took their iPad to a grocery store to learn about shopping with a list and used the iPad to communicate also.
A major part of this standard is addressing the diverse student needs. –Students can manipulate and create the lessons to meet their needs.
The teachers in the video say that their students are more engaged on the regular bases. Students can interact on a virtual and personal level, while being monitored by the teacher.
The iPad is a versatile tool and covers most of the aspects. However, the teacher could use a virtual whiteboard. This would allow the students to download notes from class and interact with the teacher from their seats. This would help in every classroom setting.
How would the teachers be able to monitor the students use to be sure they were being productive? How would the students be able to utilize the information from home if they needed it?