1 How to Find a Job Abroad Some Hints to get along
2 Youth (15-24) Unemployment Rates
3 Youth (15-24) Unemployment Rates in % Country JanFebMarAprMaiJunJulAugSepOkt2015 Economic Area 15 Austria9,710,38,89,210,210,510,610,310,210,8 10,410,18 Germany7,87,77,2 7,1 7,13 Spain55,553,250,750,149,949,649,348,948,248,047,7 49,01 EU1523,221,920,820,7 20,6 20,019,9 20,120,39 EU2823,722,221,020,9 20,7 20,620,019,9 20,020,46 France24,924,224,8 24,724,2 24,3 24,5 24,724,5 Greece58,352,450,452,652,051,750,847,648,347,9::50,16 Croatia50,045,543,6 43,5 43,1 :43,4 Italy40,042,741,141,641,741,241,542,339,239,739,439,840,75 The Netherlands13,212,711,711,010,810,911,1 11,311,211,511,611,22 Norway9,17,98,99,39,610,110,510,910,610,49,9:10,02 Romania23,724,023,3 22,3 ::::22,8 Sweden23,622,921,522,120,720,520,920,621,119,520,019,920,68 United Kingdom20,716,915,715,515,6 15,715,214,413,7::15,18
4 Where to find Informations and Advice Public Employment Services (PES) EURES departements in Austria at click on -logo you‘ll find leaflets and brochures about living&working in EU-countrieswww.ams.at EURES-homepage: EURES-Advisers in your country (to find on EURES-homepage) EU-funded Organisations or Institutions (europass, youreurope)
5 Good to know Different countries, different conditions: Comparability of qualifications and professional trainings ⇨ Differences in labour law: trainings, volontariats, time employment contracts, trial periods etc. Language skills application guidelines: different at home, place, getting there Catch informations in advance: Know before you go!
6 How to find the jobs Tools for Jobsearch: National databanks in the internet: AMS, Arbeitsagentur, FAS, Employment Service, pôle-emploi etc. Newspapers regional + national: Privat agencies: etc. Internet search engines using keywords as: jobs, business, economy etc. Internet sites of companies: jobs advertised + trainings Internet CV-databanks: cv-search, e-jobroom etc. EURES-Homepage:
16 What to think about Problems: Work contracts Social security system and administrative services are different Gross – net salaries and costs of living Housing Relatives: jobs, child care, schools Cultural differences
17 Website for civil rights and mobility for young people in EU Studying and working in EU Informations about Europe and travelling in EU Volunteering services and exchange programs in EU Portals for young people und rights for young Active participation of civilians Social and Employment Issues: /working/working_holi days/index_eu_en.html
18 Network of national support centers for career advice in Europe Informations about career advice in EU-countries Contact datas of the Euroguidance Centers in EU and Best Practice examples Listing of relevant guidance networks and according events in Europa
19 Documents for jobseekers to demonstrate their qualifications and skills in EU Europass CV and language passport EU mobility proof Europass certifikat supplement Diploma supplement Europass CV examples from EU-countries: edefop.europa.eu /europass/home/ hornav/Downloa ds/EuropassCV/C VExamples.csp
20 Portal for recognition of academic and professional qualifications Legal framework, tools and ressources concerning recognition recognition of foreign studies recognition of work experience in other countries Evaluation of qualifications Link to national centers - naric.net/index. aspx?s=p&q=15 &r=3
21 Portal for learning and training possibilities in EU existing learning and training possibilities in EU Exchange programs and support in EU Education systems in EU-countries Informations about mobility issues(eg. costs of living) counseling services pa.eu/ploteus/ searchcustom.j sp?language=e n&type=MC
22 Portal for scientists for career enhancement through mobility in other countries Job vacancies, possibilities for support and scholarships access to national job portals and localeeuraxess centers Rights for von scientists Informations about EU for scientists working outside EU pa.eu/euraxes s/index.cfm/j obs/jobsByCo untry
23 Thanks for your attention