FOOTBALL SESSION Gary Pigott Senior Director of Athletics ext. 260 * Local Meeting Schedule (July 8 th or Earlier) Visits by FHSAA Staff
Football Official Contacts (Additional) Dr. Peggy Jones, Assistant Executive Director/ext. Carrie Hardee, Officials Registrar/ext Mike Herchel, Technology Services/ext. 120
Purpose Address the topics submitted by the local officials associations and maintain a focus of these topics as they relate to training of officials allowing input and interaction from attendees. Through the sharing of information and ideas You will make this session what it becomes.
FHSAA UPDATE Local Meetings & Training: Indiana DVD; use of other video/DVD training aids; NCAA. Community Service: “Blue flags” and “Pink whistles” 2010 NFHS Rules: Illegal Player Equipment: Rules b1, 2, Note 3; Horse-Collar Clarified: Rule 9-4-3k; (handout) Points of Emphasis: Concussion Recognition and Management & Team Rosters (FHSAA) FHSAA Finals: Citrus Bowl, Orlando for next seasons.
FOOTBALL PLAYOFFS Recommendations Process: ECO only option; 5/7 person crews Crew of 7: Expanded to include all rounds except 1 st CCA Mechanics Manual: more opportunities, know the correct mechanics, Game Ball: Required use of Spalding J5V Advance during State Series by both teams. FHSAA field clinics: Website for dates and sites
ASSOCIATION TOPICS Big Bend: Central Florida: GMAC (Miami): Lake Region: Mid Coast: Miracle Strip: NFOA (Jax): South Gulf: Sunshine: Treasure Coast: West Coast:
Open Discussion Other Topics??? Please Complete Evaluation
FOOTBALL Session Thanks for your attendance & participation!