Chapter 12.2 Mongol and Ming Empires
Focus Q: Nov. 21 What do these words mean? Have in common? Gregariousextrovertintrovert Diligentlethargicquiver Franchiseirrefutabledownsizing Skill sethomesynergy Emulateosmosisforay
Objectives Learn about: 1.China under Mongol rule. 2.Why the Ming only explored the seas for a short time. Why? 1.Ever heard of Genghis Khan? Marco Polo? 2.It’s interesting to compare the ruling styles of the Mongols and Muslims? Any guesses?
Mongols Build an Empire Mongols-- “Golden Horde” 1.Nomadic people from the ***steppe—treeless plains***– of Central Asia 2. Tribes fought w/ each other until 3.Genghis Khan (universal ruler) unites them 4.Conquer empire from Pacific to Eastern Europe
The MONGOLS [“Golden Horde”] Genghis Khan’s Tax Laws: If you do not pay homage, we will take your prosperity. If you do not have prosperity, we will take your children. If you do not have children, we will take your wife. If you do not have a wife, we will take your head. Used cruelty as a weapon some areas never recovered from Mongol destruction!
Mongolian Steppes
Xinjiang Region – Typical [Mongol] “Yurt”
Mongols Invade China 1.Genghis Khan imposes strict military discipline and demands absolute loyalty 2.Armies conquer Asian steppe lands easily 3.Trouble with Chinese walled cities ***Use cannons on Chinese walled cities*** 4. Expert horsemen
Gold Saddle Arch – Mongols, 13c
Mongol Invasions
Rulers Establish Order and Peace 1.After conquering, Mongols weren’t oppressive rulers – Can live like you did before – As long as you pay tribute – Who does that remind you of? ***In 1200s and 1300s China is stabilized and trade increases***
Trade Increases From China – Gun powder and paper making get to Europe From Middle East – Crops and trees get to China
Kublai Khan Expands Mongol Power 1.Genghis Khan grandson, Kublai Khan expands Mongol rule to include Southern China 2.***Kublai Khan ruled China, Korea, and Tibet*** 3.K. Khan tried to prevent Mongols from being absorbed into Chinese culture ***Mongols only allowed Mongols to serve in the military***
Kublai Khan Expands Mongol Power 1.Highest govt jobs were reserved for Mongols 2.But, too few Mongols—Chinese officials still ruled the provinces
The Extent of the Mongol Empire
Marco Polo 1.***wealthy Italian merchant who wrote of the wealth and splendor of China*** 2.Spend 17 yrs working w/ Kublai Khan Impressed w/ the – Royal Palace--Efficient mail system – Well kept roads--Size of the cities
Marco Polo’s Travels
Ming Restore Chinese Rule 1.Chinese hated Mongols Ming (brilliant) Dynasty begins 3.Capital moves to present day Beijing 4.Civil service exams harder than ever ***board of censors watches over the bureaucracy*** 5. Look for corruption and disloyalty
China’s last native imperial dynasty!
Economy Grows Under Ming Better fertilizer, terracing on steep hillsides Support population over 100 million Corn, potatoes from America’s in 1500s Industries: porcelain (Ming vases), paper, tools, printing of books Canals repaired improves trade, cities grow
Rice terracing
The Grand Canal About 1100 miles long
The Grand Canal Today
Ming Vases, 18c
Does this look special to you?
Sept. 2012, This Ming Vase sold for $1.3 million Oct. 2011, record price paid for Ming Vase, $21.6M
Chinese Sail the Seas Zheng (jeng) He commands 1 st of 7 expeditions 2.62 ships—200 smaller ones—largest 400 ft. 3.Goal: promote trade, extract tribute from weaker powers 4.Explores SE Asia, India, East Africa 5.Many were impressed by the power and strength of the Chinese
Admiral Zheng He Ming “Treasure Fleet” Each ship 400’ long & 160’ wide
Exploration Stops Zheng dies 2.Emperor bans ship building, his ships were retired and rotted away 3.Why? Too costly? Maybe ….. 4.Some had no interest in exploration ***Confucian scholars wanted to protect Chinese traditions*** Trade, exploration would introduce new ideas