M Y EXPERIENCE OF THE A CADEMIC F OUNDATION P ROGRAMME An insider’s guide to the AFP in North East Scotland Alison Teo, Core Medical Trainee, Completed Academic Foundation Programme in North East of Scotland Deanery January 2014
E ARLY STEPS OF MY MEDICAL CAREER Aberdeen Medical School Intercalated BScMedSci ( ) Self-directed 4 th Year research project on Poisonings with publication ( ) 5 th Year elective project on paediatric burns in South Africa with publication (2010) Academic FP (2011)
W HY I COMPLETED AN ACADEMIC F OUNDATION PROGRAMME To pursue personal interest in medical research Opportunity to further develop medical research skills through completion of a Postgraduate Certificate Opportunity to be advised by a dedicated mentor throughout the programme
W HAT I DID DURING MY AFP Research Project on bacterial diversity in colorectal neoplasia – Young Investigators Award to give presentation at Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Systematic review on management of thyroid cancer – Acted as second reviewer for MD project – Poster presentation at COMET initiative meeting. Audits – Length of patient stay in Acute Medical Admissions Unit – GP referrals to the DVT clinic – Need for further surgery after mammoplasty compared with mastectomy Set up new student society – Aberdeen Student Society for Academic Medicine Completed PgCert in Medical Research Skills
MY MAIN RESEARCH PROJECT Assessment of bacterial diversity associated with colorectal neoplasia BACKGROUND -Polyps have increased inflammatory activity compared to adjacent normal mucosa (McLean et al, PLoS 2011) -The aetiology of this inflammation is unknown -Gut microbiota may play a role in this process METHOD -Next generation sequencing of samples from intestinal polyps and normal mucosa looking at bacterial diversity OUTCOMES - Significant microbial dysbiosis occurs in some colorectal polyps and may play a key role in pathogenesis of colorectal cancer
W HY DID I ENJOY MY AFP Individuality Sense of achievement You are your own boss – do as much/little research as you want Flexibility – choose your own projects No tick-boxes Everyone is a grown-up Intellectual challenges Interactions locally and internationally Chance to “make a difference”
A DVICE FOR FUTURE AFP DOCTORS Take every opportunity to get involved in research - you never know where it may lead Find a good academic mentor who can offer you advice and guide you to potential opportunities Make your clinical development your priority and the rest will fall into place