Service Learning Thursday, May 26, 2016
Thursday, 5/26 EQ: “What do I need to consider when completing my Service Learning Project Proposal?” Your final exam grades are in Skyward! Upcoming dates… Wednesday, 6/1 – AVID 3 celebration!
Thinking about Service Rachel’s Video
Brain Storm Ideas Find your number pair and discuss the following: What does service mean to you? What problems do you seek solutions for? What service learning topics are you considering for your project?
Service Learning Project Form Review Criteria
Developing your EQ A Service Learning Project requires that you research a topic that relates to and guides your final project or product. The first step in the research process is the creation of an Essential Question to help direct your research.
EQ Requirements EQ leads you to do the following: Develop a plan or course of action Make a decision Consult multiple sources, both primary and secondary Synthesize information in order to develop an answer Develop an answer that is controversial, arguable, or open to interpretation Construct an answer that doesn’t exist yet
Answering the EQ Requires that you do more than restate research information; you need to think critically and analyze alternatives. Your question provides purpose for your research. Your research time will be a minimum of 20 hours