Ch 2.2 - Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire EQ’s: What changes did Constantine make to the Roman Empire before it fell? 2. What internal and external problems lead to the fall of the Roman Empire, AND what happened when it fell?
FYI: Rome Begins Decline No Empire stays the largest and most powerful forever Rome began to decline in the 100’s (AD) due to various internal problems
Q1: Internal Problem #1: Economic Difficulties Rome stopped expanding No more conquests meant no new sources of wealth coming into the empire Officials struggled to pay empire’s expenses and maintain cost of army Government raised taxes Higher taxes caused hardship for citizens No Expansion, No New Wealth
Q2: Internal Problem #2: Social Difficulties Harder to become educated as cost of education increased Distributing news across such a vast empire became more difficult People grew ignorant about civic matters, leading to less citizen involvement in government
Q3: Internal Problem #3: Agriculture Decline Italy and western Europe soil became difficult to farm due to constant warfare and overuse Harvests grew increasingly weak, less food produced Slave labor discouraged improvements in technology in farming Disease and hunger began to spread, population declined
Q4:Internal Problem #4: Military Issues Less money coming in to pay army properly Soldiers became less disciplined and loyal Pledged allegiance to individual military leaders instead of Emperor of Rome
Q5: Internal Problem #5: Political Problems Feelings of loyalty declined among average citizens Romans used to engage actively in civic duties and public affairs but began to care less Roman politics grew increasingly corrupt Politicians became more interested in financial gain than public service
Stop! Review Questions: What internal problems weakened the Roman Empire? What happened because internal problems were weakening the Roman Empire?
FYI: Rome’s Slow Decline Decline of Rome was slow process, Roman Empire continued for another 200 years after its problems started This is largely in part to two strong emperors who ruled during this time
Q6: Diocletian (Dy*uh*KLEE*shuhn) Diocletian became leader of Rome in 284 AD Restored order by ruling with an iron fist Divided Rome into two parts: east and west Two parts made Rome’s immense territory easier to govern
Q7A: Constantine In 313 AD Constantine outlawed all attacks on Christians In 330 he moved the capital of empire from Rome to Greek city of Byzantium
Q7B: Constantine (Continued) Byzantium became known as Constantinople, after Constantine New capital signaled shift in power from western part of empire to the east
Stop! Review Quesiton: What key changes did Constantine make to Rome?
Q8: Another Reason for Rome’s Fall: Different foreign groups (known as barbarians) swarmed around Rome’s borders to invade All of Rome’s internal problems made it easier for Germanic Tribes (barbarians) to invade Rome because Rome had greatly weakened
FYI: Barbarians Numerous Germanic people (known as barbarians) lived outside of Rome’s borders In the late 300’s they began pushing their way into Roman lands
Q9: Why Did Barbarians Want to Invade? Looking for better land Gain some of Rome’s wealth Trying to escape from the Huns in Asia
FYI: The Huns Fierce group of warriors from Asia Eventually the Huns conquer parts of Rome Other Germanic tribes also conquer parts of Rome The Western Roman Empire fell to Barbarian tribes and the Huns in 476
Stop! Review Question: What brought about the fall of Rome?
Q10: End of an Empire Final holdouts of Roman power in West fell in 486 Clovis, leader of a Germanic group known as the Franks, conquered remaining Roman land in the West The Eastern part of Roman empire survived Barbarian attacks and became known as Byzantine Empire
Stop! Review Question: What significant event occurred in 486?
Lesson Summary: Internal problems weakened the Roman Empire Two emperors brought key reforms to Rome: Diocletian and Constantine Foreign invaders conquered the Western Empire of Rome
Summary Create a 6-9 sentence summary with using details to answer the Eqs PROVE your summary answer with facts and educated opinions! Remember the EQ’s were: What changes did Constantine make to the Roman Empire before it fell? What internal and external problems lead to the fall of the Roman Empire, AND what happened when it fell?