IT requirements for the next generation research infrastructures CERN 1 st February 2013 Bob Jones, CERN
Objectives of the event Explore the IT needs and procurement plans of research infrastructures from the larger physics domain that are working together in the CRISP project Bring together IT companies and scientists/engineers to prepare a joint technology roadmap Bob Jones, CERN
Agenda Presentation of the next generations of physics scientific research instruments and their common IT needs coffee The vision of IT industry lunch Procurement plans, Knowledge and Technology Transfer coffee Panel: Preparing a common roadmap Celebrating 30 years of collaboration between CERN and Oracle Bob Jones, CERN
Logistics Please wear your badge Coffee will be served outside this room [& social event] Self-service restaurant downstairs for lunch Bathrooms are at the end of the corridor Free airport shuttle schedule is available outside See Kristina Gunne if you need to print a boarding pass or want to order a taxi You need to register your laptop if you want to use the wifi (give Kristina Gunne as contact name) – Bob Jones, CERN