Charlotte, North Carolina
Toronto, Canada
Downtown Los Angeles Freeways
Modeling the Cities of the Global Periphery and Semiperiphery Latin American City (Griffin-Ford model) African City (de Blij model) Southeast Asian City (McGee model)
Latin American City (Griffin- Ford model)
Griffin-Ford model Latin American cities blend traditional elements of Latin American culture with globalization forces that are reshaping the urban scene, combining radial sectors and concentric zones. The thriving CBD anchors the model. Shantytowns are unplanned groups of crude dwellings and shelters made of scrap wood, iron, and pieces of cardboard that develop around cities. The Latin American City
Latin American Cities < Brasilia, Brazil Guanajuato, Mexico >
Mexico City: Part of the CBD, this “spine” area contains apartment houses, theaters and nightclubs, and commercial high rises.
Disamenity sector – very poorest parts of the city eg. the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Favela in Rio de Janeiro Many poor immigrants live in squatter settlements, or favelas, many of which are on the hillsides around Rio.
The African City The imprint of European colonialism can still be seen in many African cities. During colonialism, Europeans laid out prominent urban centers. Studies of African cities indicate that the central city often consists of not one but three CBDs: a remnant of the colonial CBD, an informal and sometimes periodic market zone, and a transitional business center where commerce is conducted.
The African City (de Blij model)
Cairo, Egypt
Nairobi, Kenya
A shanty neighborhood in Kumasi, Ghana.
Southeast Asian City (McGee model)
Tokyo Subway “Subway pushers” help push as many people as possible into subway cars during rush hour in Tokyo. Other passengers wait in orderly lines to board the next train.
Factors that influence the development of cities Zoning Laws Redlining Blockbusting Commercialization Teardowns McMansions Gentrification