Wednesday, October 7, 2015 6:30-8:00 PM Carmen Pingree Autism Center of Learning 6:30 Welcome 6:35 Fire Report 6:40Police Report Detective Josh Smith,


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Presentation transcript:

Wednesday, October 7, :30-8:00 PM Carmen Pingree Autism Center of Learning 6:30 Welcome 6:35 Fire Report 6:40Police Report Detective Josh Smith, Crime stats vs Crime 6:50Announcements Shawn McDonough (Mayors Office) Vote! November 3 Laird Park Halloween Party Thursday, OCT 22, 5-7 pm 700 S 1600 E PCE Plume Update Extra LEAVES ONLY bins/Tree Care SLC Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) amendment 7:00Presentations/Discussions University of Utah Community Forum Update Tracey Harty, District 6 City Council Candidate 8:00 Meeting Adjourned NEXT MEETING Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Police Crime Report: Yalecrest September 2015 / September CrimeDescriptionNumber TTheft5 TVTheft from vehicle4 VTheft of vehicle7 BBreaking & entering5 AAssault1 PProperty crime1 TOTAL23

Ballots mailed out Oct 5 Postmark return by Nov 3 Drop off ballot City Recorder’s office 451 S State Rm 415 County Government Ctr 2001 S State Ste S1-200 Nov 3 til 8PM onsite voting Trolley Square 600 S 700 E First Congregational Church 2150 Foothill Dr

District 6 City Council Election 2015 Tracey Harty vs. Charlie Luke District 6 Salt Lake City Council Debates Oct 7: 12-1 pm Hinckley Institute, UU 260 S Central Campus Drive (OSH) Oct 21: 5-7 PM, 7-8:15 pm (joint Community Councils) Clayton Middle School, 1470 South 1900 East Mayoral Debate Oct 20: 12-1 PM Hinckley Institute, UU 260 S Central Campus Drive (OSH) Oct 21: 5-7 PM, 7-8:15 pm (joint Community Councils) Clayton Middle School 1470 South 1900 East

Annual Laird Park Halloween Party 1800 East and Laird Ave Oct 22, Thursday 5-7 PM This is not a sponsored event. It is hosted by Yalecrest Parents Donations (items of monetary gifts) are needed to make this party a success Doughnuts (suggested donation--at least 1 dozen) Cookies/Treats for treat table (at least 1 dozen) --15 large hay bales (can be dropped off day of party at Laird Park or night before at Laird Park) Pumpkins large and small Stickers (Halloween theme) Volunteers Needed Distribution of flyers in Yalecrest Oct th 5 people at 4:00 Oct 22 to set up for party. (Tables/balloons/pumpkin patch) 2-3 people to manage the pumpkin patch and help with decorating pumpkin project. 1 pumpkin per child (supplies provided) 1-2 people spray paint kids hair at the wacky hair table (supplies provided) 3 people to manage the donut game. (supplies provided) 2 people to manage the treat/apple cider/donation table. 5 people for minutes clean up. Contact/Message Erin Harrison Freeman on FACEBOOK

700 S 1600 E PCE Plume McGillis School September 17, 2015 PCE also known as Tetrachloroethylene is a manufactured chemical that is widely used for dry cleaning of fabrics and for metal degreasing. Exposure to very high concentrations of PCE can cause dizziness, headaches, sleepiness, confusion, nausea, difficulty in speaking and walking, unconsciousness and death. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has determined that PCE may reasonably be anticipated to be a carcinogen. south-1600-east-pce-plume south-1600-east-pce-plume VA website Site’s history, background, current/future activities, important documents and forming a Community Advisory GroupCommunity Advisory Group Lynne Welsh, CERCLA Program Manager Jeremy Laird, VA Public Affairs Specialist ext ext 1955

700 S 1600 E PCE Plume Site Properties Sampled

PhaseSamplingn PCE ppbv 700 S 1600 E PCE ppbv Unaffected USA I Jan-Apr 2015 Indoor/outdoor Water, soil, air ppbv EPA “Removal Action Level” 5.97 Possible Health Effects II Jan-Apr 2016 Indoor/outdoor Ground, surface, shallow Water, soil, and air 36+ RI/RS report 700 S 1600 E PCE Plume Study Update

SLC Urban Forestry Division Planting Parkstrip tree request (Spring 2016 planting) Check website to choose tree specie according to your desires in terms Parkstrip width Presence of overhead wires Preferred planting objectives: scale of desired landscape, fall leaf clean-up, water use Maintenance of existing Park strip Trees Submit work order – Your property – Your street – “First come first serve” Pruning / dead branches pickup Tree spraying Emergency service (storm response) New trees planted in Laird Park (1800 East and Laird Ave) and Sunnyside Ave Contact information – – Webage:

Extra LEAVES-ONLY bins starting Sept 8, 2015 Requests for extra Fall LEAVES ONLY bins Fall (801) or Include your phone number and address. Cans provided on a first-come, first-served basis. No charge for a "leaves only" can. Cans are collected weekly, on the same day as garbage collection day. When you are done, call (801) so another resident can use it. All ”LEAVES ONLY" cans will be retrieved in early January 2016.

Accessory Dwelling Units PLNPCM ADU Amendment Purpose: simplify, clarify and broaden the ability to develop attached and detached ADUs within the city (including R and R zones) ADU: a residential unit that is established on the same lot as a single-family dwelling unit, and may be located within a single-family dwelling attached to a single-family dwelling (such as in an addition), or in a detached structure (such as in a garage or separate accessory structure). The accessory dwelling unit must be a complete housekeeping unit with a separate kitchen, sleeping area, closet space, bathroom facilities, and a shared or separate entrance. Amended Ordinance – Owner occupancy of the principal dwelling or ADU – Compliance with building codes – ADU must be subordinate to principal dwelling, limitation to SF, building height, building setbacks and lot coverage – Design requirements regulate door placement, maintain single-family development patterns and windows to protect privacy Contact – Michael Maloy, AICP Sr Planner – or

Accessory Dwelling Units RegulationExistingProposed LocationADU must be located within ½ mile of operational fixed rail station and within a permitted residential zoning district ADU must be located within a permitted residential or special purpose zoning district Permit LimitNone25 permits/year Building Height Underlying zoning districts standards apply, however ADU may not be taller than principal dwelling UP to 24 feet for pitched roof, 20 ft for flat roof, however ADU may not be taller than principal dwelling Parking1 Parking stall for 1 bedroom ADU, and 2 parking stalls for 2 or more bedrooms ADU 1 parking stall for ADU Entrance Requirements Add’l entrance not allowed on front façade unless setback 20 ft from front façade Add’l entrance may be allowed on front or corner façade if screened from view by architectural or landscaping features Existing windows Must be removed if not compliant with ADU regulations Owner Occupancy Owner occupancy required in either principal or ADU Contact Michael Maloy, AICP Sr Planner or

Wednesday, October 7, :30-8:00 PM Carmen Pingree Autism Center of Learning 6:30 Welcome 6:35 Fire Report 6:40Police Report Detective Josh Smith, Crime stats vs Crime 6:50Announcements Shawn McDonough (Mayor’s Office) Vote! November S 1600 E PCE Plume Update Tree Care/ Extra brown bins for leaves SLC Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) amendment 7:00Presentations/Discussions University of Utah Community Forum Update Tracey Harty, District 6 City Council Candidate 8:00 Meeting Adjourned NEXT MEETING Wednesday, November 4, 2015

UNIVERSITY OF UTAH COMMUNITY FORUM May 8, PM University of Utah Main Campus Completed 1. North Campus connecting element at 100 S and N Campus Dr, ADA compliant. Rio Tinto Kennecott Mechanical Engineering to Main campus Completed August, Law School 3. Basketball Training Facility 4. 2 new parking garages , 1490 parking stalls lost on main campus. With new garages, still 1243 lower than 2008 Current Main Campus Projects 1. Lassonde Studios (Business) Fall Crocker Science Center (Formerly George Thomas Bldg) Fall 2015

UNIVERSITY OF UTAH COMMUNITY FORUM May 8, PM University of Utah Main Campus Horizon projects 1. Health Sciences Parking Garage for new School of Medicine (3 bldgs) (Fall 2015) 2. Health Sciences Campus: Overall reduction of Square footage over next 5 years Demolition of current 1964 SOM bldg. Three new smaller and independent bldgs. 3. Alumni House 4. Orson Spencer Hall replacement Plans 2015, construction 2016

UNIVERSITY OF UTAH COMMUNITY FORUM May 8, PM Intermountain Healthcare (Primary Children’s Hospital-25 yrs old) 1. New: Eccles Outpatient bldg ( ) 2. Remodeling within original bldg  Core Renovation of labs, operating rooms, pharmacy and minor procedures area  High Acuity inpatient expansion  Neonatal ICU ( ) 3. Strategic expansion of capacity to serve the surrounding communities.  75% percent of the pediatric population lives within two hours from Primary Children’s Hospital.  Average non- ICU inpatient length of stay for children is four days. 38% of children have more than one stay at Primary Children’s Hospital  Dispersing services will provide care closer to patients and help working parents.  Riverton Hospital has an Ambulatory Center and can care for some of these children. Over the past two years, IHC been working with Utah County Regional Medical Center to align pediatric services.

UNIVERSITY OF UTAH COMMUNITY FORUM OCT 15, PM Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building, Room 5130, 1655 Campus Center Drive 1. Reducing single-occupancy vehicles on campus and University Transportation Master Plan -Alma Allred, Exec Director of Commuter Services 2.Campus Construction Dates -Shireen Ghorbani, Facilities Management 3.Campus Emergency Alerts -Dan Brophy, Director of Public Safety and Chief of Police

Yalecrest Neighborhood Council October 7, 2015 District 6 City Council Representative Election Candidate Tracey Harty

Yalecrest Neighborhood Council Next regular meeting: November 04, 2015 Bring your neighborhood concerns or issue you have to the YNC meeting Together we can make a difference to improve our neighborhood