History and Summary of N-ID Activities in ITU-T Yong-Woon KIM HyoungJun KIM ETRI, Korea
2 1. ITU-T TSAG Activities 2. ITU-T CG-RFID Activities 3. ITU-T JCA-NID Activities 4. ITU-T SGs Activities 5. Conclusions Contents
3 1. ITU-T TSAG Activities (1/4) March 2005 –A contribution on N-RFID standardization initiative of ITU-T –At Chairmen’s meeting TD14 (Standardization on Network based RFID) by SG11 Chair, Mr. Yukio Hiramatsu, with proposing: –To consider a possible workshop on Network Based RFID to be lead by the ITU-T (forming a steering committee to prepare for the WS) –To establish a FG or an Other Group to see the interests from members as well as the market needs within a limited time frame. –To decide the structure for the study on Network Based RFID –TSAG established CG-RFID To evaluate ITU-T std. requirements for RFID taking account into studies closely performed by ITU-R and other SDOs; To report results on discussions; and To propose a possible structure for carrying out RFID studies within ITU-T
4 1. ITU-T TSAG Activities (2/4) April 2005 –Workshop on “Ubiquitous Network Societies” was held by SPU (Strategy and Policy Unit) of ITU. –Agreed that “continuing fragmentation in RFID standard- setting” called for “concerted efforts towards global harmonization of RFID standards, so as to ensure smooth and rapid technological advance in the field.” April 2005 –Chairman of SG16 took leadership of the steering committee to organize a workshop, “Networked RFID: Systems and Services”, February 2006.
5 1. ITU-T TSAG Activities (3/4) May 2005 –TSB of ITU produced a Lighthouse technical paper, “RFID– Opportunities for mobile telecommunication services” February 2006 –NRFID workshop held in Geneva, dealing with NRFID issues and sensor network issues July 2006 –CG-NID deliverables were presented TD259, “business models and service scenarios” TD260, “standardization issues” TD261, “proposed ITU-T strategy” TD271, “convener’s report with a collection of terms and definitions”
6 1. ITU-T TSAG Activities (4/4) July 2006 (cont’d) –Proposals of CG-NID The standardization topics should be taken by ITU-T. Urgent standardization topics should be started immediately, with results to be developed as quickly as possible. Joint Coordination Activity is required to coordinate the works on standardization topics identified across the various SGs. Focus Group is required to be established in order to deal with the urgent standardization topics –Conclusions Editorial revisions of the reports were done: TD259 TD314, TD260 TD315, TD261 TD316, TD271 TD317 JCA-NID was established.
7 March 2005 –Created by ITU-T TSAG August 2005 –A discussion paper, “Networked RFID (NRFID)”, released, dealing with three categories of base network infra: public Internet, mobile communication network, and NGN. –With discussions, following points were raised: Information on ITU-T activities on NRFID Information on other SDOs activities Definition of NRFID and its philosophy Proposed Table of Contents for CG report Possible work items for collaborative standardization 2. ITU-T CG-RFID Activities (1/6)
8 2. ITU-T CG-RFID Activities (2/6) November 2005 –Contributions: D28, “Network-based RFID Applications and their Standardization Topics from ITU-T's perspective” D29Corr.1, “Coordination within ITU-T SGs to keep leading standardization initiatives of ITU-T on RFID systems and services/applications as an ITU-T’s Technology Watch activity” D36, “A proposed new work item on object/ID associations” D39, “Philosophy of Networked RFID Technologies and Applications”
9 2. ITU-T CG-RFID Activities (3/6) November 2005 (cont’d) –Conclusions: CG-RFID, renamed as CG-NID (network aspects of identification (including RFID)) Appointment of editors for the drafting groups for three review reports: Terms and Definition, Business Models and Service Scenarios, and Technical Issues of Standardization Holding a face-to-face meeting along with the NRFID workshop to be held in Geneva, February 2006
10 2. ITU-T CG-RFID Activities (4/6) February 2006 –Key contributions Initial drafts for CG-RFID deliverables: –Terms and Definitions related to network aspects of identification (including RFID) –The discussion document on Business Models and Service Scenarios for network aspects of identification –Review report of Standardization Issues on Network Aspects of Identification including RFID Contributions: –Proposal for dividing the report of “Review Report of Standardization Issues on Network Aspects of Identification including RFID” into two reports of standardization issues and proposed recommendations for ITU-T –Initial draft text for “Proposed ITU-T strategy for standardization issues on network aspects of identification with harmonized standardization collaborations”
11 2. ITU-T CG-RFID Activities (5/6) February 2006 (cont’d) –A tentative list of topics of common interest was created as a result of NRFID workshop under the leadership of Mr. Probst, chairman of the workshop steering committee. –Conclusions Editing schedules for the drafts were proposed. The report for standardization issues were divided into “Review Report of Standardization Issues on Network Aspects of Identification including RFID” and “Proposed ITU-T strategy for standardization issues on network aspects of identification with harmonized standardization cooperation”.
12 2. ITU-T CG-RFID Activities (6/6) May 2006 –Interim meeting in Seoul. –Contributions Draft reports for business models, standardization issues and proposed ITU-T strategy. –Conclusions List of standardization topics with identification of high-priority items was made. Both JCA and Focus Group needs to be considered for structure for future work in ITU-T. List of external bodies mapped to list of standardization topics was made. July 2006 –Final reports were presented at the ITU-T TSAG meeting.
13 3. ITU-T JCA-NID Activities September 2006 –Conclusions No further work on CG-NID deliverables but just inclusion of texts partly, if necessary. List of functions of the report of business models and service scenarios don’t refer to basic network capabilities. More study is needed and NGN-GSI can be helpful for the work. Following works are needed: –High level requirements dealing with target service models, standardization issues, service reference model, network interface, roadmap, etc. –Roadmap –Reference service architecture
14 4. ITU-T SGs Activities (1/9) SG11 –May 2005 TD115, “network attachment aspect of networked RFID system”, was presented at Q7/11, dealing with basic architecture model developed by ISO and its general technical aspects involved in Network Attachment Control. –September 2005 D58, “signaling architectures and requirements of networked RFID systems”, was presented at Q7/11. –January 2006 D113, “classification of networked RFID services and approach for consideration of impacts on network”, covering an example NRFID service architecture.
15 4. ITU-T SGs Activities (2/9) SG13 –September 2005 D195, “impact of network-based RFID on NGN with regard to B2C RFID applications”, added as a living list item of Q3/13 D196, “review of a network-based RFID standardization activity for B2C RFID applications”, added as a living list item of Q2/13 –January 2006 Contributions –Q2/13: D451, “Initial draft Recommendation on NGN service requirements for ID-based applications (Y.idservreqs)” –Q3/13: D450, “Initial draft Recommendation on functional requirements and architecture of the NGN for ID-based applications and services (Y.idarch)” Conclusions –Q2/13: Draft Recommendation work was approved as “Y.idserv-reqts”. –Q3/13: still living list item
16 4. ITU-T SGs Activities (3/9) SG13 –July 2006 D759, “Proposal of detail description texts and some new items for NGN Service Requirements for ID-based Applications (Y.idserv- reqts)” TD274, revised Y.idserv-reqts, adopting D759
17 4. ITU-T SGs Activities (4/9) SG16 –April 2006 D317, “Proposed Principle & Service to be standardized based on the use of networked identification (including RFID)” –August 2006 Contributions –AVD-2906, “A proposal for studying the presence service using RFID” –AVD-2907, “Some service scenarios of one-code and multi-uses on network aspects of identification” –AVD-2935a, “Proposal of next steps of networked ID standardization activity in SG16 based on the analysis of information delivery applications”
18 4. ITU-T SGs Activities (5/9) SG16 –August 2006 (cont’d) Questions raised during Q22/16 discussions –What are the differences between the proposed networked ID coding method and existing technologies such as IPv6 addresses? –What advantages does the proposed information location resolution mechanism have over current methods like DNS? –How security will be considered? –How should networked ID be used in conjunction with traditional ID like ISBN? –How do we distinguish “good” use cases and “bad” ones so that we can be more focused? What more use cases can we foresee? –Do the use cases described by AVD-2906 and AVD-2907 fit in the model proposed in AVD-2935? –Can we design use cases more practical in real world with more considerations for such constraint conditions?
19 4. ITU-T SGs Activities (6/9) SG16 –August 2006 (cont’d) Next steps –Invite more contributions on more representative use case and the generic model –Better our understanding of networked ID issues and related subjects
20 4. ITU-T SGs Activities (7/9) SG17 –October 2005 D116 (proposal for the study on a security framework for mobile RFID applications as a new work item on mobile security), identified as a further study item of Q9/17 D117 (considerations for the guideline on the protection of personal information and privacy for RFID), identified as a further study item of Q9/17 –April 2006 D146R1, “New work item proposal on multi-UIIs resolution architecture for ID-based applications including RFID” –New OID assigned for NID applications: “2.23” for a short arc to save memory consumption –A new draft Rec. work for this OID assignment and management
21 4. ITU-T SGs Activities (8/9) SG17 –April 2006 (cont’d) D150, “Proposal for the profile based privacy protection framework for the RFID application services” –Further study is needed. D152, “A new work item proposal for URN representation for identification codes” –Included as a part of OHN (Object Hierarchical Names) D153, “A new work item proposal for directory service in ID-based application” –A new attribute for X.520 was added to support NID applications.
22 4. ITU-T SGs Activities (9/9) SG17 –September 2006 Interim meeting was held in Ottawa, Canada. CAN-Doc-5, “Privacy protection framework for networked RFID services based on a user privacy policy profile”, approved as a draft Rec. work, “X.rfidsec-1”, at Q9/17. CAN-Doc-15, “Guideline on the protection of personal information and privacy for RFID”, approved as a draft Rec. work, “X.rfpg”, at Q6/17. SG6 –September 2006 L.idmd, “ID Tag Requirements for Infrastructure and Network Elements Management”, dealing with RFID tag and QR code tag. Entered into the AAP process in L.64.
23 5. Conclusions It seemed that JCA-NID was trying to redo the CG- NID works. –Expected JCA-NID deliverables: High level requirements dealing with target service models, standardization issues, service reference model, network interface, roadmap, etc. Roadmap Reference service architecture Various ITU-T SGs have already launched standards development works. –It seems that we can go directly to proper ITU-T SGs for NID standardization. CJK are major contributors for NID standardization.