Education, Outreach and Training (EOT) Scott Lathrop Area Director for EOT January 2010
Live, sync and async training offerings continue Quarterly synchronous new user training Asynchronous new TG user training also available RPs continue to develop new content Security training in development Parallel I/O async training in development Ranger, Kraken training to help people transition Next steps to coordinate with new XD Vis and Track 2 awards to leverage additional training Discussion topics: What training topics are needed for staff and/or users? Training
Education SC09 Education Program –Engaged 108 participants, 24 instructors –External evaluation to be available in February SC10 Education Program planning has begun Summer workshop planning underway in collaboration with Blue Waters, CSERD/NSDL, iPlant, OSCER and others Developing two 3-D visualizations to capture interest of young minds OSG-TG joint white paper on student workforce –Planning to launch joint unsolicited proposal effort Numerous RP education activities - ICLCS, TeacherTECH, CMAST, CMIST, SMART Team, etc. Launching a new effort to define HPC Competencies Discussion topic: Who can/should we involve in HPC Competencies effort?
TG10 Student Program – Proposal for TG10 in development National Science Olympiad Computational science competition for K-12 students Become a Pathways mentor! Computational science “Challenge of the week” to utilize problem sets from TG09 competition We need help and advice developing problems Internships and REUs - share information about your programs for posting on web site!! Discussion topic: How can we get more students involved in your projects and in TeraGrid? Do you have problem sets we can use to challenge students? Student Engagement
EOT Highlights 2009 distributed at SC09 EOT Newsletter published monthly - send information! TeraGrid ’10 planning underway - recruiting EOT papers Professional Society Outreach Opportunities & Plans –Hand-outs and flyers available for your use on wiki –EOT calendar of events – please add to it Working with ER to initiate TG Report Series (thanks Dan Katz!) to collect/publish technical reports from across TG What materials do we/will we have to share? CI Days – Internet2 received a grant to support 8 events – 6 of the 8 selected sites are already Champions Discussion topic: What other outreach events should be pursued? Outreach
Current Campus Champions (unclassified) – 27 Current Campus Champions (EPSCoR states) – 18 Current Campus Champions (Minority Serving Institution s)-- 8 Current Campus Champions (both EPSCoR and MSI) – 3 Total Number of Campus Champions Overall TeraGrid Campus Champions January 12, 2010
Campus Champions Program New support staff member: Scott Tiege (Indiana) Many thanks to User Services and AUS for their assistance!! We’re at 56 and growing Collaboration with OSG and Blue Waters Monthly calls with Champions & Advisory Group –Thanks to TG team for providing training sessions!! We continue to receive recommendations for improving services to the community Discussion topics: –How can we best engage states not already covered? –How can we and the Champions best help users?
Discussion Topics What training topics are needed for staff and/or users? Who should we involve in HPC Competencies effort? How can we get more students involved in TeraGrid? Do you have problem sets to challenge students? What other outreach events should be pursued? What materials do we have for a TG report series? How can we engage states not in Campus Champions? How can we and the Champions best help users? What can we do to enhance our collaboration with you?