THE PROCUREMENT PROCESS THE PROCESS IN CONTEXT TANGIBLE & INTANGIBLE OUTPUTS Goods Services Facilities Efficiency Accountable and Transparent Procurement FINANCIAL RESOURCESS GOSL Budgetary Allocations Proceeds from Donors Own Generated funds Other Sources THE PROCUREMENT PROCESS PROCEEDINGS THAT WILL ENSURE : Policy Objectives and Procedures are complied Procurement Methods are followed Standard Bidding Documents are used Controls and Thresholds are observed Review Actions are undertaken Records are kept for Audit
Principles of Good Public Procurement Procedure (understanding the dilemma) Economy: Focuses on price and other criteria including quality, delivery, whole life costs.It does not necessarily mean cheapest price Efficiency: Timeliness in the execution of procurement actions. Focuses on procurement time planning, time consciousness and lack of bureaucracy
Principles of Good Public Procurement Procedure Transparency Rules on the bidding procedures must be clear and accessible to all potential bidders Criteria for evaluation must be known to bidders Equal opportunity and treatment to all bidders. No discrimination in the bidding process.
Preamble of the Public Procurement Act, 2004 That Public Procurement processes shall be conducted by ensuring Value for Money in public expenditure. Value for Money in procurement is: Procuring at the RIGHT Cost Procuring at the RIGHT Quality Procuring at the RIGHT Time Can all the ‘three Rights be obtained in equal proportion?
Resolving the dilemma Need to identify the priority factor or ‘driver’ The ‘driver’ influences the decision-making process of the procuring entity ( Procurement Planning) What happens when: Cost is the driver ? Time is the driver ? Quality is the driver ?
The Procurement Process/Stages Procurement Stages Procurement Planning Notification (advertisements) Prequalification (where applicable) Issue Bids Evaluation Award of Contracts Implementation
The Bidding Process (Notices) ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS 1.1 POLICY Public Procurement shall be undertaken by means of advertised open proceedings. 1.2 OBJECTIVES The objectives of the policy on advertisement are to: Inform the public and Maximize Competition Provide fair and equal opportunity to all bidders Ensure transparency of proceedings
The Bidding Process (Notices) 1.3 TYPES OF NOTICES i. General Procurement Notice (GPN) The GPN is generally required to alert prospective bidders to available budgetary allocations, projects or grants under which there will be procurement of Goods, Works and Services. The notice usually includes information on the funding agency, recipient or implementing agency, estimated value and brief description of the requirements. The GPN is issued usually in a minimum of 45 days prior to first procurement action.
Notices ii. Specific Procurement Notice The SPN is an advertisement inviting prospective bidders to pre-qualify or bid for specific contracts. The SPN is to be published in: newspapers of international and/or national circulation depending on the method of procurement NPPA website ( Notice boards and Broadcast over radio
The Bidding Process (Notices) iii. Notice of Contract Award A notice of proposed awards shall promptly be made in the national &/ international print media or on appropriate notice boards prior to contract signature depending on the contract value. The notice should be issued prior to expiry of bid validity. Unsuccessful bidders have a right to submit an application for review in accordance with section 63 of the Law.
PROCUREMENT METHODS CHOICE OF METHODS Procurement shall be by open bidding to the extent possible; Splitting of goods and works into small packages to avoid monetary thresholds is not allowed; Community participation for development of Local Economy or creation of employment through Force Account is encouraged where possible;
COMPETITIVE BIDDING METHODS OPEN COMPETITIVE BIDDING may include prequalification may be carried out in single stage or by two stage procedures May be National Competitive Bidding (NCB) May be International Competitive Bidding (ICB)
NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING USED WHEN - Competitive for domestic bidders only - Estimated contract amounts are:- Goods :- Le 60-600 million Works :- Le 150-900 million Advertise nationally and allow minimum period of 4 weeks for bid submission 2 insertions each in at least 2 national print media Currency of bid is Leones Foreign bidders are encouraged to participate
INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING (ICB) USED WHEN Procurements that are unlikely to attract local competition High value contracts estimated as follows: Goods : above Le 600 million Works: above Le 900 million Minimum bidding period is 6 weeks and advertise: Nationally as for NCB; and In at least one international print media on one occasion. Allow bids in other currencies
RESTRICTED BIDDING METHODS Limited International Bidding Selective Bidding for Works Request for Quotation (RFQ) Sole Source These methods are applicable where: Goods, Works and Services are only available from a limited number of bidders or of complex/specialised nature; Small value contracts that is not efficient to use open bidding. Open Competitive bidding has failed to identify an acceptable bidder.
RESTRICTED BIDDING METHODS (Monetary Thresholds) GOODS WORKS Limited Int’l Bidding Selective Bidding Request for Quotation Sole Source No limit Not Applicable Below Le 60 M Le 60 – 150 M
PROCEDURES FOR RESTRICTED BIDDING Direct invitation to a list of pre-qualified; pre-registered or known suppliers or contractors. Use Standard Bidding Documents and Contract Forms. Bidders must be given adequate time to submit bids as follows: 28 days for LIB 21 days for Selective Bidding 14 days for RFQ and Sole Source
RESTRICTED BIDDING Method of Procurement Minimum No. of Bidders Minimum Period (days) LIB Selective Bidding RFQ Six (6) Three (3) 28 21 14
SELECTION OF CONSULTANTS: (Request for Proposals) Applicable selection procedures are: 1. Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) 2. Quality Based Selection (QBS) 3. Fixed Budget Selection (FBS) 4. Least Cost Selection 5. Consultant’s Qualification 6. Single Source Selection
REQUEST For PROPOSALS (Choice of Selection Procedures) QUALITY AND COST BASED SELECTION Takes into account both the quality and cost of the proposal; Proposal which offers the optimum balance of quality and cost is selected; QCBS shall normally be used for consulting services except otherwise stated in the Regulations.
REQUEST For PROPOSALS (Selection Procedures cont’d) Quality Based Selection Focuses on quality of proposal; Select highest technical proposal; QBS is used for: highly specialised assignments where it is difficult to define precise Terms of Reference; Assignments with high down stream impact; and Assignments that can be carried out in different ways and dependent on quality of services.
REQUEST For PROPOSALS (Selection Procedures) Fixed Budget Selection Selects the highest quality proposal which is within the estimated budget; and Used for assignments that are simple and TOR can be precisely defined. Least Cost Selection Selects the lowest priced proposal which meets the technical requirements; and Used for assignments of standard or routine nature.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (Procedures to follow) Notice inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) EOI is to establish a shortlist of Consultants; EOI should be published at least 30 days; EOI should be services estimated to be above Le 600 million. Request for Proposals (RFP) should always be issued to Consultants by using standard documents.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (Contents of RFP) The standard RFP document should contain the following: Letter of Invitation (LOI); Instructions to the Consultants on the conduct of the bidding process; Technical Proposal Forms; Financial Proposal Forms; Terms of Reference (TOR); Standard Form of Contract
Standard Bidding Documents Standard Bidding Documents are to be used Selection of Bidding Documents should take into account: Category, value and complexity of the procurement action; Need to minimise risks and uncertainties for the entity Effective contract administration List of standard bidding documents
The Bidding Process (Bidding documents ) Bidding Process start with preparation of the Bidding Documents Purpose of the document: Instruct bidders on the procedures for bidding Describes the goods or works to be procured Inform the bidders of the criteria for evaluation Defines conditions of contract Bidding Documents must have ‘issue date’
The Bidding Process (Bidding documents ) All completed Bidding Documents must have an ‘issue date’. The documents must be available to bidders starting from the ‘issue date’ for inspection and collection/purchase at the venue and time specified in the invitation letter/advertisement Documents should be available until the deadline for closing of bids.
The Bidding Process (Bidding documents ) DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS AND PROPOSALS The deadline for receipt of bids must be specified in the Invitation to Bid or Letter of Invitation. As well as the Bidding Data Sheet. The time allowed is determined with due consideration of the method of procurement being used. In setting the closing date for the receipt of bids , it is necessary to allow adequate time for bidders to prepare their offers.
The Bidding Process (Bid Clarification & Extension of dates ) CLARIFICATIONS Request for clarification must always be in writing; Request for clarification received from a potential bidder should be responded to in writing, provided it is received within the stipulated period prior to the deadline for submission of bids. The response should be copied to all who have been issued with the bidding documents without disclosing the source of the enquiry. Requests for clarifications must be dealt with promptly to ensure that the bidder has adequate time to prepare and submit his bid. Clarification requiring substantial modification of bids may result in extension of bid closing dates.
The Bidding Process (Receipt of Bids) The bidding documents give clear instructions to the bidders on the procedures to be followed for submission of their bids. All necessary arrangements must be made prior to bid opening. These should include: Tender box for the receipt of bids. The box must be well secured within the administration and should be under lock all of the time. There should be a register of documents submitted up until the deadline for submission. The key holder shall not accept any late bids into the box The tender box shall be presented to the bid opening venue still under key lock and presented to the bid opening committee.
The Bidding Process (Bid Opening) TIME for opening is immediately after deadline and time specified for bid submission Late bids should not be accepted for bid opening. Public Bid Opening (bidders or their representatives are allowed to be present) and the following read out: Bidders name Bid Form and signature Bid Amount Bid Security Withdrawals or Modifications ( this is first checked or looked for before reading). Any other comments/information.
Bid Opening cont.d The bid and all of its enclosures will be kept together with envelope and stacked neatly; The same opening procedure will apply for each bid; Bidder’s representatives must not be allowed to approach the top table for any thing; At the request of the bidders representative, bid details may be re- announced; Specific details of any bids must not be discussed; Any question relating to the process of evaluation may be answered but only with reference to the bidding document When details of the last bid has been read out and any questions answered, the public opening will be over; The representatives should leave the room; The opened bids should be taken away from the room and kept securely for the evaluation to begin Rejection of bids: Not allowed in bid opening All late bids returned unopened Minutes of the Public Bid Opening shall be written and submitted to Procurement Committee
The Bidding Process (Evaluation of Bids) PURPOSE EVALUATION The purpose of evaluation is to select for contract award the offer that meets the bid requirements by means of a fair and transparent process of comparison based on pre determined criteria. Evaluation involves each bid’s responsiveness against the bid requirements and must be consistent with the terms and conditions for evaluation set out in the bidding documents. Bids that are substantially responsive will contain no major deviations to the commercial and technical requirements of the bidding documents.
The Bidding Process (Principles of Evaluation) The general principles of evaluation are: 1. Confidentiality No information relating to the examination, clarification and evaluation of bids shall be disclosed to bidders or other parties not officially involved in the process; 2. Clarifications Bidders are not permitted to correct or withdraw any material deviations or reservations once the bids have been opened, if clarifications are required on ambiguities or inconsistencies in a bid, these are acceptable provided no changes in the substance or price of the bid or proposal are sought or accepted;
The Bidding Process Notice of Award 3. Transparency The evaluation process shall be fully transparent based on pre determined criteria and shall identify the specific reasons for the rejection of any bid and for the recommendation of awards. Notice of Award Outcome of evaluation shall be published and communicated to all bidders who ask for reasons for not winning. Entities are expected to announce to all bidders prior to contract signature.
The Bidding Process (Factors for Evaluation) At all times the criteria and factors to be used for evaluation should be stated in the bidding documents or RFP. It can be one or a combination of factors including the following: Price of the Good, Works or Cost of Services; Time of delivery/completion Terms of payment Technical merit, capacity, productivity Operating cost Maintenance Cost
The Bidding Process (Evaluation Procedure) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION OF BIDS The purpose of preliminary examination is to check the bids received to establish that they are complete, valid and responsive to the bid documents. Minor omissions or obvious mistakes should not be grounds for rejection of bids. The following are examined:
Preliminary Examination cont.d Properly signed documents; Accompanied by authorization if applicable Bid form Joint venture form Bid validity Bid security Completeness of bid (partial bids) Missing pages in the original copy of the bid Substantial responsiveness: major deviations to the commercial requirements are a basis for rejection of bids. Examples of major deviations are:
Preliminary Examination cont.d Fixed price vs. price adjustment Phasing of contract not conforming to required critical dates Subcontracting in different amount or manner Not agreeing to important responsibilities in the bidding documents like performance guarantee or insurance Refusing to accept local taxes, social security, customs etc If the bid fails preliminary examination reasons must be clearly given
The Bidding Process (Technical Examination) Only substantially responsive bids are considered for detailed technical examination as follows: Comparison of bids to technical requirements of the bidding documents; Quality of samples where applicable After sales support services/facilities Material deviations should be disqualified.
The Bidding Process (evaluation) OTHER DETAILED EXAMINATION Only bids found acceptable will be evaluated further in this phase. The following checks are to be made: computation errors in bid prices : These are arithmetic corrections that have to be made in the bid prices using the unit prices. These are to be recorded appropriately in the evaluation table. Corrections for provisional sums: Provisional sums are usually set by the employers consultant for contingencies. These sums are the same for all bids and should therefore be subtracted from the read out prices. Modifications and Discounts: The impacts of modifications must be fully reflected in the evaluation. Accordingly the original bid price must be modified at this point in the evaluation. Conditional discounts are only applicable after completion of all evaluation steps.
Financial Evaluation FINANCIAL COMPARISON Bids that have been corrected for all errors and adjustments should be converted to the required currency for comparison as stipulated in the bidding document. The source of exchange rate and the date should be indicated. RANKING The converted prices are to be ranked to determine the lowest evaluated bidder and will be recommended for contract award.
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AWARD RECOMMENDATION FOR AWARD OF CONTRACT Award of Contract must always be to the lowest evaluated bidder Selected bidder should not be required: To reduce price To undertake work outside the scope specified in the document or, To modify the bid
Post Qualification of Bids Used to determine physical capability and financial resources of lowest evaluated bidder. Not applicable when prequalification has been done Applicable only when procedure is provided in the bidding document. If the first ranked is rejected on post-qualification, the next ranked should also be subjected to post-qualification. The rejection must be well justified: A History of poor performance may be a justification for failing in post-qualification .
The Bidding Process EVALUATION REPORT An evaluation report should be written in the format of NPPA Standard Evaluation Report. The outcome of evaluation should be submitted to the Procurement Committee for approval before publishing and contract signature.