PCC Standing Committee on Standards An Overview
Overview Our charge Our membership Our activities A highlighted activity
Our Charge Under the guidance of the PCC Policy Committee (PoCo): Develop standards that will support wide use of data in a cost- effective manner Work with the Standing Committees on Training to promote the use of mutually acceptable standards Evaluate the need for quality standards or conformance measures that support PCC goals
Our Charge (Chair(s)) Serve as point of contact between PCC and LC Policy and Standards Division (PSO) Consult on joint policies Draft and/or coordinate the text of LC-PCC RDA Policy Statements Escalate policy decisions to PoCo as needed
Our Charge (Chair or member) Serve as PCC liaison to the ALA Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) Collect PCC feedback on RDA proposals and discussion papers Provide comments to help inform ALA positions on same Facilitate the creation and dissemination of PCC proposals for RDA changes Report on PCC activities at CC:DA meetings Summarize CC:DA meetings for PCC
Membership Members: Diana Brooking Naun Chew (co-chair) Ryan Finnerty Stephen Hearn Ed Jones (co-chair) Christee Pascale Isabel Quintana Kevin Randall Lori Robare Manon Théroux Liaisons: David Reser (LC PSO) Jay Weitz (OCLC) Jodi Williamschen (Sky River) Consultants: Steven Folsom Adam Schiff Tim Thompson
Our Activities Task Groups (PCC Strategic Directions): SD 2.3: Build on recommendations from earlier work on how to expand PCC metadata contributions beyond RDA and MARC … Undertake a current needs assessment to identify how PCC could contribute most effectively and strategically to metadata provision for digital collections SD 2.5: Form a task group to establish standards and guidelines for essential elements needed in converting existing MARC bibliographic and authority records/data to linked data formats to enable sharing SD 3.1: Establish a task group to develop best practices for the use of authority data sources beyond the LC Name Authority File SD 3.3: Produce a white paper to give a high -level outline of the issues surrounding the identification of work entities. This document should consider the contrasting conceptions of work entities emerging in different communities (e.g. BIBFRAME, JSC, PRESSoo, Zepheira serials group and others) and the implications of working with multiple data models. The white paper will explain the role work identifiers can play in a linked data environment, outline the modelling and metadata management issues they raise, and propose feasible options for the PCC to advance the provision and use of work-level metadata
Our Activities Evaluate RDA relationship designator (RD) proposals Provide input to RSC RD Working Group Propose solution for handling Authorized Access Points for Translations Draft PCC response for FRBR-LRM worldwide review Draft guidelines for RDs in authority records (with SCT)
A Highlighted Activity PCC SCS Task Group on the Work Entity The Task Group shall produce a white paper addressing the following issues: 1.The role of identifiers in a Linked Data environment; 2.The role of the Work entity in library cataloging, both historically and in the current cataloging standard (Resource Description and Access [RDA]) and associated record syntax (MARC 21); 3.The role of the work Entity in the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) and FRAD (Functional Requirements for Authority Data) conceptual models upon which RDA is based; 4.The relationship of the FRBR/FRAD/RDA Work entity to the classes in the FRBR oo and PRESS oo formal ontologies; 5.The relationship of the FRBR/FRAD/RDA Work entity to the Creative Work class in the BIBFRAME Model (an emerging record syntax viewed as a potential successor to MARC 21), including the work being done in BIBFRAME Lite by the Zepheira serials group chaired by Xiaoli Li; 6.The relationship of the FRBR/FRAD/RDA Work entity to the Creative Work type in the schema.org vocabulary used for structured data in Web pages, messages, etc.; 7.The relationship of the FRBR/FRAD/RDA Work entity to the classes in the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM, ISO 21127:2006) used in the broader cultural heritage community (libraries, archives, and museums) with which the FRBR oo formal ontology is associated; 8.The relationship of the FRBR/FRAD/RDA Work entity to work-level entities used in the intellectual property (IP) rights community (e.g., Berne Convention [as amended to 1979], International Standard Text Code [ISTC, ISO 21047:2009], International Standard Musical Work Code [ISWC, ISO 15707:2001]); 9.The relationship of the FRBR/FRAD/RDA Work entity to work-level entities used in the publishing community ( Metadata Framework, Digital Object Identifier [DOI, ISO 26324:2012]); 10.Modelling and metadata management issues raised by contrasting conceptions of the Work entity/class in these communities. Based on its examination of these issues and prior art, the Task Group shall present for consideration by the Policy Committee a set of feasible options that will enable the PCC to advance the provision, exchange, and widespread adoption and use of metadata for instances of the Work entity among the several communities studied. For each of the communities identified above, this should include available sources of work identifiers within that community and the volume and characteristics of work metadata generated by those sources.
Thank you For further information: Naun Chew Ed Jones