Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 1 Digital deposit – Submission procedures for electronic publications Annette Siegenthaler Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Germany
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 2 Legal mandate Collection, indexing and archiving of publications in the German language and those published in Germany Digital publications on physical carriers Excluded: online publications (so far)
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 3 Capturing Electronic Publications A B c D er fG H i lm o s t V w y z
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 4 Questions Which categories need to be distinguished ? How to deal with electronic publications which cannot be archived ? Which category can be archived in a straight forward manner ? cannot be archived at all? with restrictions only ? Which metadata need to be archived ?
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 5 Four types of Electronic Publications Complete electronic publication Successively-issued electronic publication Integrating electronic publication Successively-integrating electronic publication
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 6 Complete Electronic Publication Content and form remains unchanged Needs to be delivered only once Can contain multi-media
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 7 Successively-issued Electronic Publication Content is being added to throughout its lifecycle Number of files increases while files remain unchanged Broadly equivalent to serial publications
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 8 Integrating Electronic Publication Content and form can vary Files as well as number of files may vary Definition of a consignment needed Typical example: web-site
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 9 Successively-integrating Electronic Publication Content and form can vary, but most of the content remains fixed Number of files typically increases Major changes by adding content Special case of integrating electronic publication
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 10 Exclusions so far Offline publications Online publications which cannot be delivered Harvesting of publications
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 11 Submission of Online Publications (1) Die Deutsche Bibliothek and a publisher / producer establish contact for the purpose of Initiating the submission process Initial contact The publisher / producer elects to participate in the submission process, accepts the General Terms and Conditions and sends his address and contact information. Die Deutsche Bibliothek sends the publisher / producer (referred to from this point on as the registering organisation) a "Producer ID", which simplifies all further communication.
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 12 Submission of Online Publications (2) The registering organisation downloads the Registration form and transmits information about the online publication to Die Deutsche Bibliothek. Registration form Submission of online publication In return, Die Deutsche Bibliothek provides structured metadata in reusable form to the registering organisation. Die Deutsche Bibliothek assigns a submission ID to be used in transmitting the online publication
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 13 Submission of Online Publications (3) The registering organisation creates the standardised submission format and transmits the online publication to Die Deutsche Bibliothek. Die Deutsche Bibliothek uses the submitted metadata as the basis for bibliographic processing and announcement of the publication. The library assumes responsibility for long-term preservation of the online publication
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 14 Workflow of the process Monitor of handover Registration start of monitoring start of processing release of publication registration by institution application procedure Access to publication handover of publication processing by staff
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 15 Principles Processing follows substantially the processing of conventional publications Archiving performed automated as far as possible Access providedwithout additional activities Implementation serves as a model
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 16 Access (1)
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 17 Access (2)
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 18 Access (3)
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 19 Access (4)
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 20 Access (5)
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 21 Intended changes Submission of newsletters by Converting into XML format Providing table of contents
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 22 Submission of Newsletters (1) The registering organisation downloads the Registration form and transmits information about the online publication to Die Deutsche Bibliothek. Changes of Process 1. remains unchanged 1a.1a. Die Deutsche Bibliothek provides information about the newsletter by herself 1b.1b.
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 23 Submission of Newsletters (2) In return, Die Deutsche Bibliothek provides structured metadata in reusable form to the registering organisation. 2. remains unchanged 2a. Die Deutsche Bibliothek provides nothing to the organisation 2b.
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 24 Submission of Newsletters (3) Die Deutsche Bibliothek assigns a submission ID to be used in transmitting the online publication. 3. Die Deutsche Bibliothek assigns an - address to be used for submission to Die Deutsche Bibliothek and registers this address at the organisations‘ site 3a. Die Deutsche Bibliothek assigns an -address to be used for submission to Die Deutsche Bibliothek 3b.
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 25 Submission of Online Publications (4) The registering organisation creates the standardised submission format and transmits the online publication to Die Deutsche Bibliothek. 4. Nothing left to do 4a. 4b.
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 26 Submission of Online Publications (5) Die Deutsche Bibliothek uses the submitted metadata as the basis for bibliographic processing and announcement of the publication. The library assumes responsibility for long-term preservation of the online publication. 5. remains unchanged 5a. 5b.
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 27 Archival Procedure Monitor of handover generation Parsing Generating XML format of newsletter issue Generating (updated) table of contents Access to (updated) publication delivery of newsletter newsletter in XML format (updated) table of contents
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 28 DTD for an -message
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 29 Access (1)
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 30 Access (2)
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 31 Access (3)
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 32 Access (4)
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 33 Access (5)
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 34 Server (files in XML) Implementation Middle- ware (Cocoon) + XSLT newsletter table of contents frontpage with attachments table of contents attachment frontpage Client (display)
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 35 Thank you for your attention
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 36 Electronic publication complete incomplete Successively issued Integrating Successively issued Successively- integrating
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 37 Types compared to typology of AACR Bibliographic Resources FiniteContinuing CompleteIncomplete Successively- issued Integrating Successively- issued Integrating Successively-integrating
Preserving the Web Seminar Kerkira, May 22-24, 2003page 38 announcedid_deliveredarrived due_notifiedarrived_ok arrived_not_ok ok_notified handled_acqhandled_arc RECIPIENT schreibt Tabellen in INGEST_DATA RECIPIENT sendet mit DELIVERY_ID an PRODUCER INGEST_CONTROL meldet Eingang der EP mit.ext INGEST_CONTROL meldet „Lieferung überfällig“ an Eingangsstelle INGEST_CONTROL meldet Eingang der EP mit.ext manueller Eingriff notwendig INGEST_CONTROL beendet Entpacken und Virenscan erfolgreich INGEST_CONTROL beendet Entpacken und Virenscan nicht erfolgreich ggf. manueller Eingriff notwendig INGEST_CONTROL benachrichtigt Eingangsstelle Eingangsstelle meldet IDN an INGEST_CONTROL Erschliessung gibt EP frei INGEST_CONTROL löscht Tabellen in INGEST_DATA