Healthy Relationships in Cyberspace Staying Safe on the Internet 1
How has life changed? 2
Is it all bad? 3
Think Positive! Search engines Homework Projects Personal interest Amazing facts The biggest library in the world Blogs (web log) Vlogs (video log) Web sites Text & pictures Music/photo/video Anyone can become a publisher Connect Create Discover /chat VoIP - Skype Instant Messenger Multi-user games Social networks Brings people together
5 ‘Digital natives’ v ‘Digital Immigrants’ What problems might arise because young people often know more about the internet than adults?
Consequences 7
What goes online stays online… 8
Content Accurate? Appropriate? Offensive? Inflammatory?
RISKS - Commerce
Diamond 9 Activity 12
13 Top Tips Don’t forget the positive! Understand the tools Think cyber-safety - always respect others - treat passwords with care - block/delete contacts and save conversations - don’t reply/retaliate - save evidence - tell a trusted adult Report any issues - school - service provider - Police