Welcome to RIT!!!
RIT Mechanical Engineering Breakout Session Mechanical Engineering … We Design The Future
Your Academic Advisor I will be your academic advisor during your time here at RIT for the next 5 years. Take time to get to know me now! … can assist you with course selection, career advise, and getting connected with assistance resources available in the department, college, and institute … should remain informed of your progress – I can’t help if I don’t know what issues you are facing! Talk to your Advisor!!!
Talk to your Advisor about… Anything!! Co-op and career advising Class Scheduling Meet with your advisor at least once per quarter!!
Your Undergraduate Handbook Contains… All of the “rules and regulations” that you need to know about the ME Department. Your fall quarter (2007-1) class schedule as of Monday, August 27 th. Your B.S. Degree Checklist. Your liberal arts worksheet (use this worksheet to figure out what you need to take to satisfy the rest of your general education requirements). Your schedule planner, which will tell you which classes you need to take and when you should co-op for the next five years.
ME Department Administration Dr. Nye, Associate Department Head Honors, co-ops and upper-division programs Dr. Hensel, Department Head Program Leadership Academic Conduct, etc. Mr. Barry Robinson, Director of Student Services First- and second-year programs, department advising, First-Year Enrichment
Fast Facts about the RIT ME Department First Accredited by ABET in 1968 Kate Gleason College of Engineering – The only engineering college in the USA Named after a woman. 30+ Faculty in the Department Over 700 Undergraduate Students ~80 Graduate and Dual Degree Students 138 Entering first year students (direct to ME) One of the most competitive entry programs at RIT
Educational Objectives The objectives of the Bachelor of Science degree program in Mechanical Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology are to prepare all of our graduates to: Apply fundamental knowledge, skills, and tools of mechanical engineering. Practice mechanical engineering in support of the design of engineered systems. Accept the professional and ethical responsibilities to function as an engineer. Contribute and communicate effectively within and across teams. Continue their development as lifelong learners. Possess a broad education and knowledge of contemporary issues.
Educational Objectives And, to prepare some of our graduates to Work as engineers in aerospace, bioengineering, automotive, or energy industries. Enter graduate programs and succeed in obtaining graduate degrees at the Master’s and/or Ph. D. level.
All of you are in a learning community… what does that mean?? We have 138 incoming freshman students!! Each of you has been placed into one of four Mechanical Engineering Learning Communities What’s a Learning Community?? – A group of students sharing an advisor and many of the same classes Why?? – To promote community between classmates and make connections among courses
Student Handbook Review ME Department Undergraduate Handbook is your guide – Please read this handbook carefully – Use this handbook when you meet with your advisor to plan your academic program – Use the BS Degree checklist and Liberal Arts checklist, and update it each quarter – Keep copies of AP/Transfer Credit/Co-op Evaluations in this folder – Read and understand the academic conduct policy, and the computer use policy – we take these very seriously! – Refer to the course withdrawal procedure in the appendix
Fall Schedule Please take a look at your fall schedule: - Any classes marked with a “CE” next to them are classes for which you transferred AP credit to RIT. - How do you know which room to go to? - How do you know which Professor you have for each class? - What classes do you all have at the same time?
Liberal Arts Worksheet Start working on your liberal arts worksheet now! You must satisfy both the CORE and CONCENTRATION Requirements! Your Liberal Arts Worksheet needs to be approved by Liberal Arts Office of Academic Advising, not by Mechanical Engineering! Must have SAT 560V or higher for Writing Liberal Arts classes have been chosen to fit your schedule.
BS Degree Checklist Your degree checklist has been started for you Keep it updated each quarter and bring it with you when you talk to your advisor
Calculus Placement Calculus Placement was based on: – Course Equivalencies – Math Placement Exam – SAT Scores – High school transcript
Course Equivalencies Advanced Placement Credit Transfer Credit Project Lead The Way Credit IB Credit Questions?? Missing credit?? – Ask Barry, Diane, or me
LC Schedule Your folder has the schedule that you will use to register for your classes for the rest of your time at RIT.
Course Withdraw Procedures Discuss your situation with your Academic Advisor. This is VERY important because withdrawing from a course will likely change the course sequence that you need to take in order to complete your degree! Use InfoCenter to drop your course. Deadline: Week 8
Pre-Registration for Winter You will be required to attend a registration information session, at which time you will learn everything you need to know about the registration process and which classes you should take in the winter. If you do not attend a registration information session, you will not be able to register for classes!
Need to Change your schedule? Any changes to your schedule should be driven by need, such as AP or Transfer credit that we were not aware of. After this session has ended, please come to my office so that we can figure out what needs to be changed. After we talk, we will go to the ME Office to look into changing your schedule.
Academic Dishonesty (from the KGCOE Student Handbook) Any act of improperly representing another person's work as one's own is construed as an act of academic dishonesty. These acts include but are not limited to plagiarism in any form, including the use of all or parts of computer programs created by others, or the use of information and materials not authorized by the instructor during an examination.
Academic Dishonesty (from the KGCOE Student Handbook) If a faculty member judges a student to be guilty of some form of academic dishonesty, the student may be given a failing grade for that piece of work or for the course, depending upon the severity of the misconduct.
Degrees and Options Offered Bachelor of Science (BS) – Aerospace Engineering Option – Automotive Engineering Option – Bioengineering Option – Energy and the Environment Option Advanced (Graduate) Certificate in Vibrations Engineering Master of Science (MS) Master of Engineering (MEng)
Academic Assistance Resources Academic Advisor Faculty – Course Instructor Engineering Learning Center Academic Support Center KGCOE Office of Student Services Counseling Center Math Lab/ Physics Lab/ Writing Lab Supplemental Instructors
Supplemental Instruction Supplemental Instruction is an opportunity offered to Mechanical Engineering students to assist them with their chemistry, math, and physics courses. Shortly after the beginning of the quarter, you will be informed about your supplemental instruction schedule. ALL STUDENTS should attend supplemental instruction sessions to help them succeed in their courses and understand connections to ME. Supplemental Instructors are upper-class ME students who have earned a grade of A in the course that they are assigned to. They attend class with you and work with the professor to develop problem-solving sessions that will not only help you to succeed in your classes, but also connect the material to Mechanical Engineering.
Engineering Extracurricular Activities SAE Formula Racing Club SAE Aero Club Human Powered Vehicle Competition Team American Society of Mechanical Engineers Society of Automotive Engineers Society of Women Engineers Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers National Society of Black Engineers Pi Tau Sigma Mechanical Engineering Honorary Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honorary
Other Extracurricular Activities Check out the Undergraduate Student handbook for a website listing a gazillion other activities, including Music and Dance groups!!
Communication is CRITICAL! Your Advisor! Departmental Mail Folders by M.E. Office – Please check them regularly RIT format is If you use another account, make sure you forward your RIT address! WE DO NOT RECOMMEND ACCOUNT FORWARDING! PLEASE CHECK AND USE YOUR RIT REGULARLY - - THIS IS USED FOR MANY PURPOSES THROUGHOUT YOUR ACADEMIC CAREER. We cannot help you if we don’t know what issues you are facing!
Summary We’re pleased to have you here at RIT with us. Stay in contact with your advisor over the quarter Exchange information with your advisors, and resolve outstanding scheduling issues We will visit your freshman seminar classes in week 5, to prepare your winter quarter schedules Have a great quarter!!