飛彈威脅 ? 飛彈威脅 ? Missile Threat: To What Extent? 飛彈防禦:攔截 ? 飛彈防禦:攔截 ? Missile Defense: Interception? 飛彈防禦:消極作為 ? 飛彈防禦:消極作為 ? Missile Defense: Passive? 飛彈防禦:積極作為 ? 飛彈防禦:積極作為 ? Missile Defense: Aggressive? 第十週 /Week 10 政策議題( 1 )飛彈與飛彈防禦 Policy Issue I: Missile and Missile Defense
Shlapak, David A., David T. Orletsky, Toy I. Reid, Murray Scot Tanner, Barry Wilson “ Chapter 3 Missiles over the Strait: China ’ s Short- Range Ballistic Missile Force. ” A Question of Balance: Political Context and Military Aspects of the China-Taiwan Dispute. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND, _MG888.pdf Shlapak, David A., David T. Orletsky, Toy I. Reid, Murray Scot Tanner, Barry Wilson “ Chapter 3 Missiles over the Strait: China ’ s Short- Range Ballistic Missile Force. ” A Question of Balance: Political Context and Military Aspects of the China-Taiwan Dispute. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND, _MG888.pdf _MG888.pdf _MG888.pdf Shlapak, David A., David T. Orletsky, Toy I. Reid, Murray Scot Tanner, Barry Wilson “ Appendix Missile Attacks on Economic Targets on Taiwan, ” A Question of Balance: Political Context and Military Aspects of the China-Taiwan Dispute. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND, Shlapak, David A., David T. Orletsky, Toy I. Reid, Murray Scot Tanner, Barry Wilson “ Appendix Missile Attacks on Economic Targets on Taiwan, ” A Question of Balance: Political Context and Military Aspects of the China-Taiwan Dispute. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND, Readings…
飛彈威脅 ? Missile Threat: To What Extent? 300km 600km 200km
飛彈威脅 ? Missile Threat: To What Extent? BallisticMissilesCruiseMissiles 30~600+m<10m 1.0M>>6.0M
飛彈威脅 ? Missile Threat: To What Extent? 易於擊中 ? Easy To Hit? 損害 ? Damage?
Target: Cities 3,000 10,000 10,000 23, ,000
Target: Armed Forces
彈道飛彈防禦:攔截 ? Missile Defense: Interception? Patriot Advanced Capability 3
命中率偏低 命中率偏低 Low Accuracy 防禦範圍有限 防禦範圍有限 Limited in Defense Footprint 攔截飛彈造價高於來襲飛彈 攔截飛彈造價高於來襲飛彈 Unit Cost higher than Incoming Missile 彈道飛彈防禦無用 ? Doomed to Fail? NOT REALLY
防護範圍來看 , X5
其他選擇 Other Options SM-3 THAAD
保護對象來看 /9
「一般」而言:無效 「一般」而言:無效 In “General” : Yes 不過在短期內還能保護武裝部隊 不過在短期內還能保護武裝部隊 Armed Forces In the Short-term 且在長期來看仍能保護地面部隊 … 且在長期來看仍能保護地面部隊 … Ground Forces In the Long-term … 彈道飛彈防禦無用 ? Doomed to Fail?
巡弋飛彈防禦:攔截 ? Missile Defense: Interception 防禦範圍有限 ? 防禦範圍有限 ? Limited in Defense Footprint 攔截飛彈造價高於來襲飛彈 ? 攔截飛彈造價高於來襲飛彈 ? Unit Cost higher than Incoming Missile NOT REALLY
防護範圍來看 , X7
其他選擇 Other Options
保護對象來看 /9
巡弋飛彈防禦也無用 ? Doomed to Fail? 「一般」而言無效 「一般」而言無效 In “General”: Yes 不過在短期內還能保護武裝部隊 不過在短期內還能保護武裝部隊 Armed Forces In the Short-term 且在長期來看仍能保護地面部隊 … 且在長期來看仍能保護地面部隊 … Ground Forces In the Long-term …
飛彈防禦:消極作為 ? Missile Defense: Passive? 加固 Hardening 加固 Hardening 備份 Redundancy 備份 Redundancy 疏散 Dispersion 疏散 Dispersion 偽裝 Camouflage 偽裝 Camouflage 誘餌 Decoy 誘餌 Decoy 機動 Mobilizing 機動 Mobilizing
Target:Industries 加固 Hardening 備份 Redundancy 疏散 Dispersion 偽裝 Camouflage 誘餌 Decoy 機動 Mobilizing
Target: “Armed Forces” 加固 Hardening 備份 Redundancy 疏散 Dispersion 偽裝 Camouflage 誘餌 Decoy 機動 Mobilizing Differed……
船艦 Fighting Ships
地面部隊 Ground Troops
Objection! No place to hide!
飛彈防禦:積極作為 ? Missile Defense: Aggressive?
KOSOVO, 1999 KOSOVO, 1999
Lebanon, 2006 Lebanon, 2006
Future…. HOW to Find? Future…. HOW to Find?
飛彈防禦:攔截 ? 飛彈防禦:攔截 ? Missile Defense: Interception? 飛彈防禦:消極作為 ? 飛彈防禦:消極作為 ? Missile Defense: Passive? 飛彈防禦:積極作為 ? 飛彈防禦:積極作為 ? Missile Defense: Aggressive? 是飛彈防禦也是防空 !! 飛彈威脅目前還不是真的那麼強大,對武裝部隊而言,暫且還只是破門鎚的角色,但此一威脅遲早會強大到 只剩地面部隊能有效作戰的程度 …..