Vocab Lesson 3. STEMDEFINITIONExamplesOrigin homosamehomogenize, homonym, homophone, homologous, homozygous Greek speclookspectacles, specter, specious,


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Vocab Lesson 3

STEMDEFINITIONExamplesOrigin homosamehomogenize, homonym, homophone, homologous, homozygous Greek speclookspectacles, specter, specious, spectrum, respect, inspect Latin ductleadconduct, ductile, induct, product, reduction, deduction, reproduction Latin fercarrytransfer, infer, refer, defer, conifer, Lucifer, aquifer, auriferous Latin pendhangpending, pendulum, pendant, impending, depend, suspend Latin microsmallmicron, microscope, microwave, microphone, microcosm, microbiotic Greek hydrowaterhydroplane, hydroponics, dehydrate, hydrant, hydrogen, hydrophobia Greek photolightphotograph, photometer, photon, photogenic, photosynthesis Greek panallpanorama, panoply, pandemic, pantheism, pantheon, Pan-American Greek pentafivepentagram, pentagon, pentameter, pentathlon, pentarchy, pentahedron Greek telefartelescope, telephone, telekinesis, telepathy, teleology, telesthesia, telex Greek vidlookvideo, invidious,, evidence, provide,Latin omniallomnifarious, omnipotent, omnivorous, omniscient, omnibus Latin

exoutexit, except, excise, exculpate, elucidate, exorbitant, eccentric Latin polymanypolyphony, polygyny, polygamy, allopolyploidy, polyvalent, polygon Greek reagainreturn, review, retouch, reiterate, retail, revive, regenerate, regurgitate Latin hypounderhypodermic, hypocrite, hypotenuse, hypothermia, hypothesis Greek pseudofalsepseudonym, pseudopod, pseudomorphic, pseudoscience Greek neuronerveneuron, neurosurgeon, neurosis, neurology, neuralgia, neurotomy Greek tomycuttonsillectomy, appendectomy, neurotomy, dichotomy, anatomy Greek hemabloodhematic, hematite, hematology, hematoma, hemal, hemophiliac Greek protofirstprotoplasm, prototype, Protozoa, proton, protohuman, protomorphic Greek phonsoundsymphony, telephone, phonetic, phonograph, euphony, cacophony Greek monoonemonotonous, monomania, monogamous, monolithic, monotone Greek vivlifevivid, vivisection, vivacious, convivial, bon vivant, viva, viviparous, revive Greek

1. The English language contains many homophones like two and too. 2.It was a specious argument, but it sounded convincing. 3.The youth was inducted into the army. 4.The transfer was made in the darkness of a moonless night. 5.The patent is still pending on that product. 6.The two bacteria were only a micron apart. 7.The fire hydrant stood in front of the school. 8.An overexposure to the sun’s photons gave her a sunburn. 9.The god Apollo was a member of the Greek pantheon. 10.He wore a pentagram on his sleeve, not a pentagon. 11.The strange boy could move distant objects by telekinesis. 12.The kids played video games for hours. 13.The all-consuming muncher had an omnivorous appetite. Using the context clues from the sentence and your understanding of the root, define the underlined words in the following sentences.

14. The surgeon was able to excise the tissue with a scalpel. 15.He composed polyphonic music. 16.His new novel was carefully reviewed by the literary critic. 17.The crash victims suffered hypothermia on the frozen tundra. 18.The amoeba used its pseudopods to move across the surface. 19.The brain is said to contain over 100 billion neurons. 20.The clown received an emergency appendectomy in the medical tent. 21.Iron ore is called hematite because of its deep red color. 22.Single-celled animals are known as the Protozoa. 23.Musicians play together in a symphony. 24.The German prince peered through his gold-rimmed monocular. 25.Laws against vivisection prevent cruelty to animals. Using the context clues from the sentence and your understanding of the root, define the underlined words in the following sentences.

Answer YES or NO 1.Do a pendant and a necklace have anything in common? 2.Do homologous structures have dissimilar constructions? 3.Is a vivacious personality a vicious personality? 4.Is a convivial person a wallflower? 5.Is a dependent person self-sufficient? 6.Is a pantheon a group of gods? 7.Is polygamy marriage to more than one person? 8.If a culprit is exculpated, is he out of trouble? 9.Is a weak, indecisive person omnipotent? 10.Is a clam’s pseudopod a true leg?

1. euphony : cacophony :: a)microcosm : microbiotic b)beautiful : ugly c)photon : photometer d)provident : future 2.polyphonic : polygamy :: a)pantheism : religion b)hydroponics : deduction c)homologous : monotone d)melody : marriage 3.eccentric : conventional :: a)pseudopod : pseudonym b)oligarchy : pentarchy c)deduction : reduction d)nonconformity : conformity 4.pseudoscience : science :: a)revive : vivacious b)vivacious : revive c)anatomy : lobotomy d)pseudonym : name 5. omnivorous : herbivorous :: a)omnifarious :omnipotent b)Pan-American : river c)all : plant d)specious : authentic 6. elucidate : explain :: a)reiterate : stolid b)reiterate : repeat c)symphony : cacophony d)eulogy : euphony 7. telekinesis : telesthesia :: a)moving : feeling b)telescope : microscope c)inspect : introspect d)eccentric : centrifugal 8. dichotomy : trichotomy :: a)bicycle : tricycle b)viviparous : vivisection c)lobotomy : brain d)hydrant : hydrogen 9. pentameter : pentarchy :: a)poetry : government b)government: poetry c)distance : five d)ruler : measure 10. hypothesis : thesis :: a)guess : idea b)theory : supposition c)hypothecate : hypotenuse d)idea : image

In each case below, one of the choices is really the word used by the author in the sentence provided. Your challenge is to decide which word the author used. From Sir Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe 1. Gurth, knowing his master’s irritable temper, attempted no __________. a)pantheon b)euphony c)vivisection d)exculpation From William Makepeace Thackeray’s Vanity Fair 2. He was lazy, peevish, and a _________________. a)pentarchy b)pseudonym c)bon vivant d)protohuman From Joseph Heller’s Catch Yossarian found himself listening intently to the fascinating _____________ of details. a)polyphony b)elucidation c)exorbitance d)spectrum

20.dicho tomy 21. hema tologist 22. proto type 23. phon etics 24. mono mania 25. viv acious 26. anthropo logist 27. biblio graphy 28. neo phyte 29. auto biography 30. bio logical 31. aqua tic 32. audi tion 33. cred ulous 34.anthropo logy 35.in scrib e 36.de port ation 37. dict ation 38. ante cedent 39. extra terrestrial 40. post humous 41. tri lateral 42. dis miss 43. inter rogation 44. intra mural 45. intro duction 46. mal icious 47. sub terfuge 48. ad hesive 49. con ference 50. circum ference Vocab Test 3 1. homo logous 2. spec tacles 3. duct ile 4.in fer 5. pend ulous 6. micro scopic 7. hydro sphere 8. photo graph 9. Pan orama 10. pent athlon 11. tele phone 12.in vid ious 13. omni vorous 14. ex obiology 15. poly morphous 16. re peat 17. hypo tenuse 18. pseudo nym 19. neuro tomy