30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm What do emerging microbial threats mean to hospital cleaning & disinfection? From MRSA to MERS to multidrug- resistant Gram-negative bacteria Jon Otter, PhD FRCPath Centre for Clinical Infection and Diagnostics Research (CIDR), King's College London & Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 20pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 18pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 14pt SUB-BULLETS: 12pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Overall content limit Limit for title Do not exceed 20mm Limit for content Do not exceed Disclosures I am employed part-time by Bioquell. I have received payment for producing educational material for 3M. Research funding from Pfizer and the Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity.
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm Room ARoom B 2x
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 20pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 18pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 14pt SUB-BULLETS: 12pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Overall content limit Limit for title Do not exceed 20mm Limit for content Do not exceed Increased risk from the prior room occupant Otter et al. Am J Infect Control 2013;41(5 Suppl):S % +58% +55% +49% +42% +37% +28%
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 20pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 18pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 14pt SUB-BULLETS: 12pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Overall content limit Limit for title Do not exceed 20mm Limit for content Do not exceed Taking the ‘lottery’ out of the room Datta et al. Arch Intern Med 2011;171: Passaretti et al. Clin Infect Dis 2013;56:27-35.
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm Otter et al. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2011;32: Transmission routes
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm 50mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for content Do not exceed 30mm Maximum height of any graphic/image with text Images should not be used on the title slides. 20mm Overall content limit © Bioquell UK Ltd (2010). All rights reserved. 86%96%58%59%93%85% French et al. J Hosp Infect 2004;57:31-37.
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm Surface survival Otter and French. J Clin Microbiol 2009;47: Wagenvoort et al. J Hosp Infect 2011;77:
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm The “Big Five” Shed Survive Persist MRSAVREC.difficile MDR- GNB* Norovirus * Multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria; specifically lactose non-fermenters such as Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm Surface survival: viruses with pandemic potential VirusSurvival time SARS-CoVDays to weeks 1,2 MERS-CoVMore than 2 days 3 InfluenzaHours to days 1,4 EbolaMore than 6 days 5 1.Chan et al. Adv Virol 2011: Lai et al. Clin Infect Dis 2005;41: van Doremalen et al. Euro Surveill 2013;18. 4.Dublineau et al. PLoS ONE 2011;6:e Sagripanti et al. Arch Virol 2010;155:
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm Source: VDU blogVDU blog Ebola: outbreak in West Africa
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm Contact transmission, including direct or indirect contact with contaminated surfaces does occur in some cases based on findings from other influenza and coronaviruses (such as SARS-CoV). 1,2 MERS, SARS, influenza and Ebola can survive on dry surfaces for days under some conditions. 3-5 In addition to survival on dry hospital surfaces, aerosols of human coronaviruses and influenza viruses can survive in the air for long periods of time. For example, a human coronavirus aerosol was able to survive for 6 days in one study. 6 1.Geller et al. Viruses 2012;4: Hota. Clin Infect Dis 2004;39: Casanova et al. Appl Environ Microbiol 2010;76: Kramer et al. BMC Infect Dis 2006;6: van Doremalen et al. Eurosurveillance 2013;18. 6.Ijaz et al. J Gen Virol 1985;66: Pandemic viruses: fomite transmission?
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm Ebola: terminal disinfection of hospital rooms Source: US CDC and UK Department of HealthUS CDCUK Department of Health CDCUK DH PPE for cleanersAs for HCW with direct patient contact DisinfectantEPA registered disinfectant effective against non- enveloped virus Standard methods where no blood contamination, 10,000ppm bleach where blood contamination evident FumigationNot mentionedRecommended
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm MERS prevention and control: CDC guidelines prevention-control.html Airborne & contact precautions Airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) where possible Gloves, gowns, eye protection, N95 mask + hand hygiene Standard environmental disinfection
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm Rising threat from MDR-GNB % of all HAI caused by GNBs. Hidron et al. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2008;29: Peleg & Hooper. N Engl J Med 2010;362: % of ICU HAI caused by GNBs. Non-fermentersAcinetobacter baumannii Pseudomonas aeruginosa Stenotrophomonas maltophilia EnterobacteriaceaeKlebsiella pneumoniae Escherichia coli Enterobacter cloacae
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm MDR-GNB: infection prevention challenges PathogenCRE 1 CRAB 2 MRSAVREC. difficile Resistance /- Resistance genes Multiple Single n/a SpeciesMultipleSingle HA vs CAHA & CAHA (ICU)HA At-risk ptsAllICUUnwell Old Virulence++++/-+++/-+ Environment+/ Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. 2.Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii.
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 20pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 18pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 14pt SUB-BULLETS: 12pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Overall content limit Limit for title Do not exceed 20mm Limit for content Do not exceed Otter & French. J Clin Microbiol 2009;47: Surface survival
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 20pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 18pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 14pt SUB-BULLETS: 12pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Overall content limit Limit for title Do not exceed 20mm Limit for content Do not exceed Surface survival – strain variation Otter & French. J Clin Microbiol 2009;47:
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm Conclusion K. pneumoniae seems to be more environmental than E. coli. 1,2 Surface contamination on five standardized sites surrounding patients with ESBL-producing Klebsiella spp. (n=48) or ESBL-producing E. coli (n=46). 1 K. pneumoniae vs. E. coli 1.Guet-Revillet et al. Am J Infect Control 2012;40: Gbaguidi-Haore. Am J Infect Cont 2013;41: Freeman et al. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 2014;3:5. P<0.001 Risk factors for ESBL-E contamination = ESBL-KP, urinary catheter; carbapenem therapy was protective. 3
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 20pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 18pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 14pt SUB-BULLETS: 12pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Overall content limit Limit for title Do not exceed 20mm Limit for content Do not exceed Persistent contamination - Acinetobacter Manian et al. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2011;32: samples from 9 rooms after 2xbleach 5705 samples from 312 rooms after 4xbleach 26.6% of rooms remained contaminated with either MRSA or A. baumannii following 4 rounds of bleach disinfection
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm Enterobacteriaceae are “less environmental” Nseir et al. Clin Microbiol Infect 2011;17: Ajao et al. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2013;34:
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm MDR-GNB cleaning & disinfection checklist Clean / declutter Monitor cleaning process (e.g. ATP bioluminescence) Enhanced daily disinfection using bleach All equipment disinfected before leaving room Terminal disinfection using bleach or, ideally, H 2 O 2 vapor Gopinath et al. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2013;34: Snitkin et al. Sci Transl Med 2012;4:148ra Verma et al. J Infect Prevent 2013;7:S37.
30mm 10mm logo safe area 10mm logo safe area EDITING NOTES All copy must stay within the content limit guidelines. Any image added to a slide with text should be formatted to be in-keeping with the width guidelines. A safe area of 10mm must be applied around the logo. 10mm GUIDE FONT SIZES GENERAL SLIDE TITLE: 28pt (Optional SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 26pt) 1ST LEVEL BULLET: 22pt SUB-BULLETS: 20pt BODY COPY/TEXT BOX: 18pt PRESENTATION SLIDE TITLE: 28pt PRESENTATION SLIDE SUB-TITLE: 22pt PRESENTATION SLIDE NAME: 18pt PAGE NUMBER, DATE, FOOTER: 8pt ALL FONT TYPEFACE TO BE IN VERDANA 10mm Limit for content Do not exceed Limit for title Do not exceed 25mm Improve existing procedures Try something new!