Apple Wants You You have been selected as part of a team to develop the next “greatest” application for the iphone, ipads, and apple computers!
Current Apps Turn on your cell phone. What apps do you currently have downloaded on your phone?
Categorize the Apps What categories can we use to help sort all of these apps?
Angry Birds Rovio Entertainment Rated: E for Everyone Description Use the unique powers of the angry birds to destroy the greedy pig’s defenses!
Birthday Calendar App Birthday Calendar + MobTouch Inc Description: Birthday Calendar + is the most comprehensive birthday calendar, reminder, countdown app at the App Store!
Snapchat Snapchat Inc Rated: T for Teens Description: Life's more fun when you live in the moment :) Happy Snapping!* * * Please note: Snapchatters can always capture or save your messages, such as by taking a screenshot or using a camera. Be mindful of what you Snap!
Monday’s Checklist: Design Your Own App 1.Title of App 2.App Icon a.Create rough draft on blank piece of paper 3.Description of App a. Verify this app doesn’t already exist!!! 4.Cost of App 5.Designer Names *Note: Each person in the group will brainstorm a possible app name, app category, and app description! Turn in at end of hour
Tuesday’s Checklist: App Design Screen Shots Before purchasing any apps, many people like to research. Today you will work on developing the app in more detail. 1.What features will be in your app? 2.What will your app allow users to do? 3.Illustrate the levels/features of your app by developing three different screen shots (1 per each person in group) *See the next slide for screen shot samples
Screen Shots:
Tuesday’s Instructions: PART ONE 1.One person in each group open up a Google Docs sheet and title the sheet, “Science App” a. Share the sheet with each group member b. Put the following information on this sheet: Title of App Cost of App Description of App Audience for App App Icon
Tuesday Continued: PART TWO 2. Next you will work on your screen shots and list of levels/features your app will provide to users. a. Each person in the group will need to develop one screen shot with description of what the screen shot is representing. b. You can choose to either create these screen shots in Google Docs or you can open Google Slides and each person create two slides—one slide is the “screenshot” and one slide is the description/features. *Either way, open one platform and share with the team members so you can all work on it at the same time.
Tuesday Continued: PART 3 To earn your points for today you will need to attach your Google Docs from “Part 1” on Google Classroom under the Design Your App assignment. You will also need to attach your Google Slide from “Part 2” on Google Classroom under the Design Your App assignment by the end of the hour.