IDENTIFYING SLAVES BY USING SMART PHONES Empowering the counter trafficking community to better identify victims of human slavery
Background Throughout Asia, there are more than 11.7 million slaves. They are found in factories, on construction sites, on fishing boats, in agriculture settings, and in sex venues. Annually, victim identification is less than 0.2% of those in slavery globally.
First Problem Law enforcement officials often come in contact with potential slavery victims but because they don’t know where the person comes from, and because they cannot communicate with them, the victim goes unidentified. Thus, thousands of slaves miss their only opportunity to be rescued. This is particularly problematic in labor trafficking settings.
First Solution The Mekong Club has created a smartphone App for victim identification, in partnership with the United Nations (UNIAP). With this App, law enforcement officers and/or NGO workers can question potential victims without speaking their language, with the use of pre-recorded videos and questionnaires.
The user (law enforcement officer or NGO worker) installs this special App on any Android-type touch- screen cell phone or tablet device. The App allows the user to take notes, record audio/visual, or play pre- recorded material to help them more effectively identify people they suspect may be victims of human trafficking. How it works Solution One
To start the proces, the person using the tool presents a list of flags to a potential trafficking victim who simply selects his/her country of origin. National Identification Solution One
A video is played in the selected language, informing the respondent of his/her rights, assuring them of confidentiality, and explaining that the officials playing the video to them are there to help should they require assistance. Seven questions are asked during the video. Respondents are prompted to press the Green button to answer “Yes” and the Red button to answer “No.” “Yes” responses help law enforcement determine if the respondent could be a victim of human trafficking. Language through Video Solution One
Modern smartphones are cheap and include built-in audio, video, and still camera features. Most are also equipped with Global Positioning Systems (GPS) which can be recorded and associated with captured audio/video. These features provide opportunities for evidence collection. Recording Solution One
How This Helps Law enforcement officers in Asia can now more readily identify and help victims of slavery. Additionally, they are more likely to detain suspects for questioning. Feedback from survivors of human trafficking validate this concept. Victims express relief to hear their own language, even if it comes from a phone. Various law enforcement agencies and NGOs in Asia are now using this tool. Solution One
What Has Been Done? The initial App has been designed The App has been tested among responders Changes have been made to the design The final field testing is now underway (among NGO, police, immigration) Solution One
What Have We Learned Solution One Most migrants are used to smartphones so they adapt to the process easily Initial tests have been very positive – The tool is simple to use and offers an effective means of communicating Changing the App design is time- consuming but getting it right is important Not everyone will use this (government officials) – if it will add work, there is sometimes resistance
What Next: First Solution? We need to continue testing the approach We need to add and change the existing features We need to adapt and refine the approach for more countries/ languages Solution One
The Second Problem Many migrants are in exploitative situations but they don’t know what human trafficking is or that they might be victims. There is little information available to inform them of this problem. Solution Two
Second Solution The Mekong Club would like to create a second App that would help victims to “self identify.” After selecting a language, they would answer questions posed by a video to help them determine their slavery status. Once identified, options would be offered to them. Solution Two
The person using the tool is presented with a set of flags to help select his/her country of origin. National Identification Solution Two
A video is played in the selected language, informing the respondent of his/her rights. Selected questions are asked during the video. Respondents are prompted to press the Green button to answer “Yes” and the Red button to answer “No”. How it works Solution Two
Have you been or are you presently in a work situation where your movement is highly restricted? Have you been or are you presently in a work situation where you are physically or sexually abused or threatened? Have you been or are you presently in a work situation where excessive, unfair debt is preventing you from leaving your job? Have you been or are you presently in a work situation where you haven’t been paid for many months or ever? If they say yes to any of these questions, they are advised to call a local hotline for help. (The number will be provided.) Questions Asked Solution Two
Next Steps: Second Solution? Talk to migrants to get their feedback on the approach Design App Field trials Disseminate to migrants Solution Two
Next Steps: Phase II App Design Company Partnership Identify a company Identify target group App refinement and design Ongoing technical support University Partnership Identify student volunteers (competitive process) Field visit (Thailand) App refinement and design Ongoing technical support Academic credit offered