Article Writing If you are writing an article for your school magazine then you are writing for your fellow students. They are people who are the same age as you do not be condescending or patronizing. They have the same outlook as you, it is like writing to a large number of friends.
The Right Approach Do not be patronizing. Be enthusiastic about what you are writing about as this will come across in your article. Be convincing, your article will be to encourage students to do something good and possibly new. Be interesting, if you do not do this your piece will be boring and will not come across as well written. Personalize your article, use WE instead of I when you can, this will engage readers.
Register You will have some topics that can be written in a light-hearted way. (Informal) Some topics will have to be very serious. (Formal). But you do also have a combination register, you can start and end this one a little light heartedly but the main body should be serious.
Format Title Introduction Body Ending
Title Make it interesting, the more interesting the title the more likely people will enjoy reading it. Eg: How to Prepare for Exam Exam Nerves Cure Read as many English newspapers/magazines to get ideas for this.
Introduction You can start your article with a question, this makes readers relate the story to themselves. A question also gives a clue about what the article is about The use of the word you also makes it more relatable. Also use, one of many, as this makes the reader feel that they are not alone.
Transitions If you use a question in the opening then you have to use a transition sentence. This is the link from the introduction to the body of the article. If the topic is of a serious nature, it also marks the beginning of the formal language. Eg: Looking dull and stressed? Well, don’t worry. You need not spend the entire evening in the bathroom. (Article on health or beauty)
Ending The ending of an article should be short. It should have the same register as the introduction and transition. It should also summarize the article, to express you own opinion and to leave the reader with something to think about.
Body of the Article Before you begin to write the article decide in what register you will be writing it. It is very important that the body of your article contains the same register throughout.
Types of Exams Questions Giving your view or opinion/putting forward arguments for and against Dealing with problems and solutions Giving advice/making suggestion Narrative- an account
Opinion/putting forward arguments for and against This type of question involves both informal and formal register. You will have to start in the informal register and end with it. The body of the question will be in formal register.
Body of story Paragraph one: use timing linking words such as, these days, nowadays, recently, until now etc. Paragraph two: Put forward one side of the argument. Include the following phrases, it is a fact, some people argue that, or one of the main arguments. Support your argument. Paragraph three: Put forward the alternate side of the argument. Use words like, on the other hand/however,/nevertheless as joining words. Support words for both paragraphs 2 & 3, which/this/which means that/as a result/consequently
School Article Make sure your introduction is clear and explains what the article is about. At the end of the introductory paragraph/question use your transition sentence to bring the story back to formal language and the serious topic. And finally, the ending paragraph should have a similar language to the introduction.
Dealing with problems and solution Step 1: Plan what you are going to say, what are your feelings on the topic. Step 2: Write an introduction that the reader can relate to, use the feelings from step 1. Step 3: Now that you have the readers attention bring the article back to the topic and use a transition sentence. Step 4: Decide what format you are going to write the body of the article in. Step 5: Write an ending that matches your introduction in format.
Giving Advice/Making Suggestions Find a light hearted way to discuss/write this topic. Most readers will be familiar with the topic so you want to make it interesting for them. Same layout, Intro, transitions, 3 paragraphs and ending. Use we to personalize your article. Try to add humour.
Narrative This also means an account. Usually a trip or a day in your life. This should be written using humour and also write it like a conversation. It should be like you are telling your friends. The mood of the story should be the mood of the account you are writing. Your introduction should set the scene of your account. Basic information.
Narrative The body of the text should have some stories about your topic, a serious paragraph describing what you saw or did, you have to make reference to the other people on the trip. The ending should talk about the success of the event.