Preparation,proparaty and application of Hydrogen and Nitrogen
Preparation of Hydrogen From Water 1.From water gas A German chemist Bosch prepared hydrogen on a large scale using inexpensive raw materials such as water and coal by passing steam over red hot coal at about 1000 C a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen known as water gas is produced carbon monoxide is separated from the mixture by converting it to carbon dioxide.
H 2 O + C = CO + H 2 CO + H 2 + H 2 O = CO 2 +2H 2 Mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas is passed thorough water at a pressure of 30 atm, CO is absorbed in water while H2 does not dissolved in water and is collected as such
From Elictrolysis of water Hydrogen can also be produced by electrolysis of acidized water but the method is inexpensive due to high cost of electricity hydrogen produced by this method is 100% pure. 2H 2 O + H 2 SO 4 = 2H 2 + O 2
From Electrolysis of Brine Pure hydrogen is obtained as a by producer in the nelson’s cell by the electrolysis of aquous solution of NaCl, NaOH and Cl2 gas are the major products. 2NaCl = 2Na + 2Cl At cathode:- 2H2O + 2e = 2H2 +2OH At anode:- 2Cl = Cl2 + 2e Overall Reaction:- 2H2O + 2NaCl = 2NaOH + H2 + Cl2
From Natural gas Methane is mixed with steam and than pass over nickle at a catalyst about 800 c. CH 4 + H2O = CO + 3H2
Proparatyes of hydrogen H2 is colorless and smelless gas. This have one electron one proton and one nwetron. Essilly react with matel. React with oxigen and notrogen 2H2 +O2 = 2H2O 3H2 + N2 = 2NH3 H2 + 2Na = 2NaH H2 + Ca = CaH2
Uses of hydrogen Aerospace & Aircraft Automotive & Transportation equipment
Energy Refining Welding & Metal fabrication
Preparation of nitrogen From air Nitrogen is prepared by the fractional distillation of liquid air. Air from which carbon oxide has been removed is liquefied by subjecting it to successive compression and cooling processes
From metalnitraid In this process metalnitraid heated of very high tepretur. 2NaN3 = 2Na + 3N2 2KN3 = 2K + 3 N2 Ca3N2 = 3Ca +N2
From ammonia Ammonia react with oxigen at some heat and give to us nitrogen and water steme 4NH3 + 3O2 = 2N2 + 6 H2O