Transportation for Everyone Community Transportation for the Contoocook River Valley February 2007 Posted 2/14/07
Transportation For Everyone Making The Case for Community Transportation: An Example
Transportation = Community Access NH transportation system is inadequate to meet demand. We need alternatives to the car: –Our population is aging, wants to age in place –Car travel cost prohibitive for increasing number of people –Energy costs are rising –People with disabilities: ready, willing and able to work – simply can’t get there.
We Need: Community Transportation Options Why Community Transportation ? Builds upon existing local strengths and resources Maintains rural character and stimulates economic growth Helps curb decentralization trend in current growth pattern Provides local and regional jobs Includes public and private providers Creates access for people of all ages and abilities
The Lack of an Effective and Efficient Community Transportation System Hurts the Environment One person using mass transit for an entire year, instead of driving to work, can keep an average of 9.1 pounds of hydrocarbons, 62.5 pounds of carbon monoxide, and 4.9 pounds of nitrogen oxides from being discharged into the air. One full, 40-foot bus also takes 58 cars off the road. (National Safety Council, 2005).
The Lack of an Effective and Efficient Community Transportation System Limits Economic Growth and Participation An estimated 21,000-48,000 of New Hampshire’s population, have reported that they had lost or turned down a job because they didn’t have a reliable ride. Forty-four percent of this group indicated that this had happened at least once in the last 12 months. That means between 6,000 and 24,000 people in New Hampshire who have lost or turned down a job in the last 12 months because they didn’t have a reliable ride. (NH Speaks Out, Dec. 2005)
The Lack of an Effective and Efficient Community Transportation System Is a Barrier to Appropriate Health Care An estimated 45,000-80,000 of New Hampshire’s population report to have missed or chosen not to schedule a medical appointment because they didn’t know if they could get a ride. Among those who missed an appointment during the previous 12 months between 4,000 and 19,000 people have missed four or more medical appointments in the past 12 months because they didn’t have a reliable ride! (NH Speaks Out, Dec. 2005)
The Lack of an Effective and Efficient Community Transportation System Particularly Hurts Those Who Can’t Drive Themselves Alternative options to the car are popular with New Hampshire residents whether they have ready access to a car or not. However, as long as we can drive and have access to a car, public transportation simply “would be nice to have”. For those of us who are dependent upon others for a ride, community transportation is crucial to maintaining autonomy and living a healthy life.
These Problems are Going to Get Worse......New Hampshire Residents Are Concerned About Losing Their Driving Ability Between 73,000 to 116,000 of New Hampshire’s adult population are worried about losing their ability to drive in the next few years. A majority of these residents are also providers of rides to neighbors and friends, compounding the problem. Most elders cannot afford private pay alternatives to the car.
Transportation For Everyone A Bottom Up Community Organizing Model
Transportation for Everyone A Community Transportation Cooperative A grassroots study and organizing effort to understand available transportation resources, capacities and needs in the Contoocook River Valley. (Summer 2006 – Spring 2007 ) –Funded by two grant sources (DHHS-ADD and the NH Endowment for Health) –Cooperative endeavor –Prepare region for coming changes in state policy
Transportation for Everyone A Community Transportation Cooperative Oversight and Guidance Regional Steering Group (Summer 2006 – Spring 2007) –Open participation. –19 current members from throughout the region include human services organization representatives and a variety of community members –Collect and analyze regional and town findings. –Write implementation plan.
Transportation for Everyone A Community Transportation Cooperative Regional Assessment Partner with Southwest Regional Planning Commission regional transit plan study (Fall 2006) –Develop regional vehicle inventory. –Gather organizational capacity information. –Mapping of resources.
Transportation for Everyone A Community Transportation Cooperative Local organizing and assessment Four Town Cluster Groups Have Conversations about transportation in 14 towns. (Fall 2006 – Spring 2007) –Gather information on existing resources. –Understand citizen needs. –Listen to citizen ideas about transportation. –Document findings. Who wants to travel: Where? When? How? Why?
Transportation for Everyone Questions to Answer Transportation Needs and Desires What are popular destinations for people of different ages? Where do people shop/enjoy recreation/gather? Where do you need a ride to? What activities have you given up or missed because you didn’t have transportation? Can you or your parents remain in your home if you can’t drive? Do you know of someone who needs wheelchair accessible transportation?
Transportation for Everyone Questions to Answer Current Transportation Resources Are these options used? Why or why not? By whom? What do people think about these transportation options? What is unique about our community when you think about its transportation need? What vehicles exist in your town that might be used for community transportation?
Transportation for Everyone Questions to Answer The Ideal Community Transportation System Should the system be a fixed route with central pickup and schedules, or on demand going from home to home? What time of day is community transportation needed the most? Is it needed weekdays and weekends? How much are you willing to pay for each trip that you take?
Transportation for Everyone Questions to Answer What are your ideas about a regional community transportation system? What’s the best way for you to get information about rides?
Transportation for Everyone Implementation
Transportation For Everyone Implementation What’s next? Create a Summary of findings and an Action Plan for review by town conveners and the steering group. Put a final draft into a pamphlet to be distributed in multiple formats Hold a Transportation Summit to which town government, steering group members and town conveners are invited. Apply for implementation funds from a variety of sources
Transportation for Everyone Community Transportation Options for the Contoocook River Valley Under One Roof Project The River Center Concord Street Peterborough, NH Andrea Gilbert