SEC-06-FCT-2016 Developing a Comprehensive Approach to Violent Radicalisation in the EU from Early Understanding to Improving Protection Dr. William Hynes Future Analytics Consulting
FAC - Who we are SME based in Dublin, Ireland. Strategic and urban planning, development and socio-economic consultancy services, working with public and private sector clients throughout Ireland, the UK and across Europe. FAC advocates an evidence-based approach in all projects, and specialises in data analytics and supporting technical research delivery. Core research interests include strategic planning in a range of themes including economic, socio-economic, healthcare, resilience and risk, transport, quality of life, performance indicators, and critical infrastructure/asset management.
EU projects involvement Successfully won nine FP7 and H2020 projects: – 7 within Secure Societies strand – 1 within Smart Cities strand – 1 within Marie Skłodowska-Curie strand Coordinator of two EU projects within Secure Societies strand: – HARMONISE ( ) A Holistic Approach to Resilience and SysteMatic ActiOns to Make Large Scale UrbaN Built Infrastructure SEcure – RESILENS ( ) Realising European Resilience for Critical Infrastructure
Examples of FAC contributions and experience with EU research Co-ordinator
Key Challenges and Goals Radicalisation (although the roots have not been properly identified) have resulted in violent acts which can have a huge impact on the society and its citizens. A better understanding of the causes and processes leading to radicalisation may therefore lead to innovative, ethical solutions to counter violent actions taken by radicalized individuals.
Vision for priority areas of this call Comparative analysis of different types of policies including counter-propaganda techniques currently available. Improved description of competencies, skills and characteristics of the various types of practitioners involved in preventing, detecting or countering violent extremism. Improved information exchange between the different actors involved. Field-validation of new approaches to anti- radicalisation directly applicable to support practitioners.
Potential FAC contributions Conducting comparative analysis of different policy types, and impact analysis of potential prevention approaches which can be applied. Plan for improving information exchange between the different actors.. Testing and validation of the proposed anti- radicalisation strategies. Project dissemination. Design exploitation strategy for the developed situational awareness tools.
Contacts Dr. William Hynes Managing Director. Chartered spatial planner, surveyor and urban economist, with significant experience in academia and commercial roles. Coordinator of successful FP7 and H2020 projects HARMONISE and RESILENS. Stephen Purcell Director. Chartered surveyor and professional spatial planner, with experience in strategic and urban planning projects.
Contact Us Address: 23 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2, Ireland Phone: +353 (0) Website: