Belgian User Support & Operations Centre METERON SUPVIS-E Operations using Ku-Fwd POIWG#38 23 Jul 2015
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre The METERON Project Multi-purpose End-To-End Robotic Operations Network METERON project has three primary goals: –Providing end-to-end in-orbit demonstration of potential future exploration scenarios, involving humans and robots (operations) –Validate the concept of real-time control of a robot on a planetary surface, from a manned orbiter with force- and stereo-vision feedback (robotics) –In-orbit testing and validation of novel communication techniques, such as Disruption (or Delay) Tolerant Network (communication) METERON consists out of several “steps”. –OPSCOM-1: October 2012 (MOPS, limited DTN capabilities, lego rover) –OPSCOM-2: August 2014 (MOPS, bi-directional DTN over S/Ku-band, Eurobot) –SUPVIS-E: July – Sep 2015 POIWG 38 - Huntsville, AL2
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre SUPVIS-E Objectives 1.Demonstrate control of a complex surface robot (including dexterous manipulation) from the ISS, and evaluate the differences between operating specifically via: a.Supervisory control from the ISS. b.Direct control from the ground. c.Control via the ISS acting as a relay. 2.To demonstrate the ability to execute joint operations of multiple assets – a robotic rover (Eurobot), a surveyor rover, and a lander mockup 3.Evaluate situational awareness concepts, and assess the need for, the characteristics, and the usefulness of providing several camera views POIWG 38 - Huntsville, AL3
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre SUPVIS-E Requirements 1Mbps uplink/downlink Science data (TC to the rovers, TM from the rovers) use the DTN protocol Rover Control Software installed in-orbit on two laptops: one for commanding and monitoring; one for video feedback Video streaming uplink (over DTN) on second Laptop Laptop Configuration Control not via DTN Laptop powered for 2+1 months prior to main crew ops for checkout and ground ops POIWG 38 - Huntsville, AL TreK 4 Need for Ku-FWD
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre POIC MCC WSC ISS Ku Comm Unit PDSS ePVT HPEG iPEHG ION - TReK DTN GW ESA TReK ION TReK ION ISS DTN Gateway H&S interface Traditional Ku Forward/Return path DTN Forward/Return path RF Link between ISS and WSC Denotes a DTN endpoint or gateway METERON Software VPN X METERON Software METERON Software PL/MDM eFDP CDP SCP FEP SCP G/W Ku-forward is the only way to communicate with the DTN laptop on the station ISS Onboard Configuration ESA METERON laptop with the following core software configuration: Linux CentOS 6.6 Active virus scanning agent TReK version flight software Linux ION DTN software METERON Rover Control SW Additional SW for laptop monitoring Ground Configuration TReK Version ION METERON Rover control software (running on Linux OS) POIWG 38 - Huntsville, AL5
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre SUPVIS-E and Ku-Fwd Direct connection B.USOC – HOSC Using TReK Services requested: –ICMP Ping –SSH/SCPTCP, port 22 –RDPTCP, port 3389 –HTTPSTCP, port 443 –CFDPUDP, port 4560 –DTN – UDPUPD, port 4556 –DTN – LTP UDP, port 1113 POIWG 38 - Huntsville, AL6
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre SUPVIS-E Operations Laptop 1 installation: 15 Jun 2015 Laptop 1 network configuration update: 24 Jun 2015 Command windows: 5/7 from 06:00-18:00 GMT 1 month of operations using Ku-Fwd link: –Checkout of the laptop Remote desktop, SSH, SCP, CFDP –Software uplink and installation Antivirus definition update, security packages, health and status monitoring SW, TReK 4.1.0, … –DTN tests Sending bpings and files over LOS Characterize behavior DTN, using different parameters … POIWG 38- Huntsville, AL7
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre SUPVIS-E Operations using Ku-Fwd TReK –Works well; three times “dropped connection” and TReK application closed – reason unknown Remote Desktop –Works great, once you have figured out the right options –Quite often it takes a while for rdp to “unfreeze” after LOS. –After LOS, rdp session is still active (if you did not try to use it during the LOS…) –Less responsive then SSH when using console application (~1s lag for SSH, about 2s using rdp) POIWG 38 - Huntsville, AL8
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre SUPVIS-E Operations using Ku-Fwd SSH –Generally stable over LOS. A few disconnections, maybe once every 2 or 3 days Connection stability –Usually after LOS, the connection (pings first, ssh next and rdp last) is reestablished after a few seconds. However, it might also take several minutes. –Sometimes, at TDRSS handover (usually 20 sec LOS) about 2.5 minutes are necessary to recover the pings to the laptop. –Regular loss of connection for a short time (from seconds to minutes) even if in theory there is Ku-fwd/return AOS –Sporadic interruptions of exactly 5 minutes (not periodic, not always related to TDRS H/O or LOS) POIWG 38- Huntsville, AL9
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre Conclusions Ku-Fwd works well Allows to quickly uplink and checkout software, direct access to the METERON laptops speeds up the execution of the operations Remote Desktop will allow us to support and monitor crew during the SUPVIS-E crew sessions Ku-Fwd link absolutely necessary for correct DTN implementation To be tested: video streaming ground to space POIWG 38- Huntsville, AL10
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre Backup slides POIWG 38 - Huntsville, AL11
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre BUSOC ESOC COL-FD Crew Ku Fwd SUOVIS-E Crew Support SUPVIS-E Crew support SUOVIS-E activity: -Crew support - Eurobot Status - Readiness - Laptop status METERON SUPVIS-E Crew activities EUROCOM Col - CC POD/PRO POIC DTN traffic ESTEC Ops Readiness 12
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre SUPVIS-E activities 3 sessions of 2 hours each (TBC) –Location & inspection, and corrective maintenance of solar panel –MLI removal and inspection and Instrument deployment –Instrument Assembly POIWG 38 - Huntsville, AL Up to 6 Video streams for situational awareness Real-time TM from EGP, Surveyor Rover and Lander Mockup Interactive 2D View Target : start during SDM 13
Belgian User Support & Operations Centre 14POIWG 38 - Huntsville, AL METERON Overview Reference architectureISS as test bed EAC Training