Huawei Case Study
A Customer Profile The Challenge Customer Feedback Kitarm's Solution Content C B D
Customer Profile
A B C One of Fortune 500 Companies with $38 Billion Sales Telecom Infrastructure solution provider with world-class R&D capabilities Business and consulting services are spreading over 140 countries with 150,000 employees D An Interbrand Top100 Company
Huawei Fleet Vehicles in more than 140 countries. Most of the vehicle usage can be converged to : Onsite Service Vehicle Delivery Vehicle Business & Shuttle Bus Focus: Internal Control: Extra work Mileage Fuel Focus: Safety : EHS Management : Dispatch rationality Internal Control: Mileage Fuel Safety : EHS Safety : EHS Management : Dispatch rationality Internal Control: Extra work Mileage Fuel
6 The Challenge
Driver Logbook Driver Logbook Operation Streamlining Operation Streamlining Fuel Billing Safty Vehicle Logbook Vehicle Logbook Faked Overtime Log Faked Overtime Log Faked Paticipants Log Faked Paticipants Log Faked Mileage Log Faked Mileage Log Faked Vehicle Log Faked Vehicle Log Fuel Theft Fuel Efficiency
The annual expense on fleet management is about $160 million as reported by Huawei. They believe that over 30% of the expense are unexpected due to lack of management and insights on vehicle data and driver data. What can be done to improve the fleet management?
9 Kitarm's Solution
Financial Driving Hours Fuel Report Mileage Report Safety Driving Behavior Overspeed / DTC / Collision Alarm Tracking Trace Replay Real time Tracking Geo Fencing Profiles Vehicle profiles Driver profiles Kitarm ’ s telematic solution is based on OBDII Dongle + Cloud Platform provides professional fleet management services. A Fleet manager can easily manage both the driver and the vehicles in your fleet via smartphone or web protal to reduce maintanance cost and improve your fleet's safety and efficiency
STEP 1 Collect and collate overtime information. STEP2 STEP3 STEP4 STEP5 Randomly sampling overtime drivers. cross check with overtime applications Verify data with those on the base of OBD. Confirm the trace with the driver and passengers. Work Overtime Management
1. Monitor the mileage of each route according to the ignition status report. 2. Monitor the vehicle condition according to the real-time location and trace. 3. Check out the overtime work according to vehicle condition and trace. Trace Record
Confirm the trace with the driver and passengers. Collate the logbook Take a random select focusing on vehicle used frequently. Check the rationality of vehicle usage. Collate the authenticity of mileage application. Confirm and Verify data on the cloud
Case 1 : Administrator can locate and assign the closest avaliable vehicles when non-scheduled needs of vehicle occurs. Case 2 : Administrator can replay the trace of the vehicle to check the progress of assigned tasks. Case 3 : Administrator can monitoring and assign tasks based on the vehicle's real-time status and location Dispatching & Routing Optimization
Improve driving behavior with scorecard. Maintenance schedule, record and DTCs for review your safety benchmarks. Reduce the risk of vehicle been stolen, by automatically sending alarm to your smartphone or notify on the web protal.
User-defined geo fencing. Automaticlly alerts while entering or exiting. Geo Fencing
17 Customer Feedback
Milestone 30.Mar Initiation Kitarm was dominated as a Contract holder of Huawei 5.Jun Trial at Southeast Asia Kitarm is the only one who past the test and become the service provider of Huawei Fleet Management. 9.July—5.Aug Extended Trial at World Wide Phase 2 trial at world wide 25.Aug Global Launch project is on prodcution level 40 units 1000 units 145 units 8855 units
Test Reports of Kitarm's Fleet Management Service Analysis Report : July , Cambodia Analysis Report : July , Thailand Many hidden problems in Huawei fleet are shown after using Kitarm's service. The reports present the detailed data.
Country Sampl e numbe r Logbook mileage ( km ) False mileage ( km ) Private use mileage ( km ) Total extra work hours ( h ) Fraudulent extra work hours ( h ) Bad driving behavior Thailand Cambodia India Ranka26748 Vietnam Laos3N/A FM Project Nanjing Total Proportion 0.4%6.7% 20.1%N/A Results after using TSP service in East Asia. It demonstrates that 6.7% mileage was made by private usage. Fraudulent extra work accounts for 19.1%.
Commercial Values Huawei's annual fleet management expense in East Asia is $13.1 million East Asia is the first fully deployed region with Kitarm's fleet management solution. Has saved more than $0.11 million per month and $1.4 million per year as reported. Kitarm is still providing fleet management service to Huawei for system maintenance and upgrades vehicles of Huawei in 140+ countries are on the platform by now. The ROI is expected beyond 900%.
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