Surety Sector Report Mike MacNaughton S o u t h w e s t R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e ®
BioSurety Situation In contrast to CWA bailment agreements No “Army approved” commercial biosurety labs at this time All possession, handling and use of select agent now being managed IAW with CDC rules (42 CFR part 73, Part 331, and 9 CFR Part 121) promulgated March 2005 – reflecting Patriot Act Security enhancements
BioSurety Situation Most COCO labs do not receive biological select agents and toxins (BSAT) from Army but operate under 32 CFR parts 626 and 627
BioSurety Situation The Army BioSurety situation is in Flux AR 50- X, DODI and AR are inconsistent in how they apply to COCO John Wade (Battelle) is working with JPEO- CBD and SATSD (CBD-CD) to de-conflict CDC vs. Army policies relative to contractors Major issues are Source/tracability of the bioagent or toxin Requirement for NA/CC/LC every 5 years (vice usual 10) absent necessity of SECRET clearance
Biosurety Situation Possible mitigating actions Army accept CDC as national lead Army accept DOJ/FBI background checks in lieu of NA/CC/LC