Chemistry Dictionary Assignment By Jessie Qu
Qualitative Information Definition: It deals with descriptions which means data can be observed with senses but not be measured. A related sentence: After doing an experiment, students should record the qualitative data as well as the quantitative information.
Quantitative Information Definition: It deals with numbers which means data can be measured. A related sentence: After doing an experiment, students should record the qualitative information.
Observation Definition: It is the process of gathering data with senses. A related sentence: Observation can differ from one matter to another.
Interpretation (Inference) Definition: It is an assumption drawn out of careful observation. A related sentence: Interpretation is based on the observation.
Description Definition: It is basically the information about matters’ properties. A related sentence: The description of Copper is having ductility. Description
Data Definition: It is numerical which depends on the results of experiments. A related sentence: Students should collect the data and analysis it.
Experiment Definition: It is a test that used to determine whether the hypothesis is correct. A related sentence: The tester can get a statement based on the result of this experiment.
Hypothesis Ex: If the water in a beaker is heated, then the solubility of the sucrose will become higher than the solubility of the sugar in the water that isn’t heated. Definition: It is an unproven prediction about a problem. A related sentence: All students should form a hypothesis before doing an experiment.
Theory Definition: It is a tested and proven explanation of why nature behaves in a such specific way. A related sentence: KMT is one of the most famous theories.
Law Ex : Definition: It is a summary of the result that an experiment have had. A related sentence: One of the example of law is F=mass*acceleration.
Matter Definition: It is something has mass and volume that can be found in the phases of solid, liquid and gas. A related sentence: Matter can not be destroyed.
Physical Property Definition: It is a property that can be easily observed without changing the composition. A related sentence: Melting point is one of the physical properties that water has.
Chemistry Property Ex : Definition: It refers those properties that a substance shows through changing its composition. A related sentence: Burning is one of the chemical properties.
Extensive Property Definition: Extensive property rest with the amount of a substance present. A related sentence: Volume is one of the extensive properties. Ex: Volume & Mass
Intensive Property Definition: It is a property that rest with the nature of a substance. A related sentence: Density is one of the extensive properties.
Solids Definition: It is a rigid substance which stays in the same shape. A related sentence: Solids involves small volume change.
Liquids Definition: It is a substance that will change its shape in order to conform to the shape of container, and it will involve slight change in volume. A related sentence: Water is a common liquid.
Gases Definition: It is a substance that will change its shape in order to conform to the shape of container, and it will involve larger volume change. A related sentence: Particles in a gas can widely spread.
Hardness Definition: It is a measure of how resistant the solid matter is to suffer from abrasion or scratching. A related sentence: We use a knife to test the hardness of wood.
Malleability Definition: It is the ability of a metal to be deformed into a sheet. A related sentence: The malleability of aluminum is good. Ex: Aluminum
Ductility Definition: It is the of a metal’s ability to be stretched into wires. A related sentence: Copper has a great ductility. Ex: Copper
Lustre Definition: It shows how a substance appears to reflect lights. A related sentence: The pear has the ability of lustre.
Viscosity Definition: It is a property that collisions between particles in a fluid. A related sentence: The viscosity of honey is much better then the one of water.
Diffusion Definition: It is a process of molecules or atoms to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. A related sentence: Transfer of soluble materials can be done by diffusion.
Vapour Definition: It is a gaseous material that is produced by boiling a substance over room temperature. A related sentence: Water changes to the vapour, it is called evaporation.
Element Definition: It is a pure substance which only contains one kind of atom and cannot be broken down by chemical means. A related sentence: Carbon plays an important role in our life as an element.
Atom Definition: It is the smallest part of an element. A related sentence: Atoms are things that made of tiny particles.
Molecule Definition: It is made of two or more atoms to gather together. A related sentence: H 2 O is a kind of molecule.
Ion Definition: It is an atom or a molecule that has an electrical charge. A related sentence: Ions have the positive or negative charge.
Particle Particles in solids, liquids and gases Definition: It is defined as a extremely small unit of matter. A related sentence: Particle can be defined according to composition which refers it is made of other particles.
Homogeneous Substance Definition: A homogeneous substance is a type of substance that is in a single phase, and it can not be broken down by physical processes. A related sentence: A science teacher told us that water is a example of a homogeneous substance. Ex: water
Heterogeneous Substance Definition: A homogeneous substance is a type of substance that is in two or more phases, and it can not be broken down by physical processes. A related sentence: A heterogeneous substance is different from a homogeneous substance. Ex: Candies
Pure Substance Definition: It is a kind of substance that is homogeneous and has identical properties in every elements and compounds. A related sentence: Water is one of the pure substances. Ex: Water
Mixture Definition: It refers to put two or more substances together without a chemical reaction. A related sentence: Salt water is a mixture between salt and water. Ex: Salt Water
Mechanical Mixture Definition : It consists of two or more substances that are physically combined. A related sentence: A mechanical mixture can be separated by hand separation. Ex: Pizza
Solution Definition : It is a stable homogeneous mixture that doesn’t have specific and visible boundaries. A related sentence: A saturated solution is a solution that the solute cannot be dissolved any more. Ex : Nacl ( aq )
Solvent Definition: It is a liquid that the solute can be dissolved in. A related sentence: The solvent usually has a lower boiling point while the solute has higher boiling point. Solvent : Water
Solute Definition: It is a substance in phase of a solid, liquid or gas which dissolves in a solvent. A related sentence: Solubility is the ability of one substance called solute to dissolve in another substance called solvent. Ex : Sugar
Compound Definition: It is a combination of two or more different elements. A related sentence: Compound is consisting of two or more atoms.
Homogenous Mixture Definition: A homogeneous mixture is a type of mixture that the elements are same in every part of the solution and has the same identities. A related sentence: A science teacher told us that salt water is a example of a homogeneous mixture. Ex: Chocolate Milk
Heterogeneous Mixture Definition: A heterogeneous mixture is a type of mixture, which their elements can be seen and there are very specific and clear boundaries of the materials. A related sentence: A chemistry teacher told us that oil in water is a example of a heterogeneous mixture. Ex: Oil in water
Filtration Definition: It is a method to separate an undissolved solid from a liquid by passing the liquid through a filter paper. A related sentence: Filtration can separate the sand from water. The process of filtration
Filtrate Definition: It is the fluid that passes through the filter paper. A related sentence: The water is passes through the filter paper so that the filtrate in this experiment is water.
Residue Definition: It is a solid that left on a filter paper after the filtration. A related sentence: The sand is unable to pass through the filter paper so that the residue in this experiment is sand.
Distillation Definition: It is a process of separating one substance from a liquid mixture by evaporation and condensation. A related sentence: Students use distillation process to separate the CCI 4 from the mixture of I 2 and CCI 4.
Solvent Extraction Definition: It is a method to separate one substance from others by using a solvent. A related sentence: Solvent extraction can be used when there is a liquid-in-liquid mixture or a liquid-in- liquid solution.
Recrystallization Definition: It is a method to purify chemicals. A related sentence: Mr. Li teaches us that the recrystallization can be used when there is a solid-in-liquid solution.
Gravity Separation Definition: It is a method to separate different substances according to their own densities. A related sentence: When students use the method of gravity separation, they find that the one who has the biggest density is on the bottom of the container, and the one with the smallest density float.
Chromatography Definition: It can be used to isolate the various components of solid-in-solid mechanical mixtures or solid-in-liquid solutions. A related sentence: The process of chromatography depends on the different behavior that different molecules have when they are dissolved in one solvent.
Chemical Change Definition: It occurs when the arrangement of atoms changes to form a new compound. A related sentence: The chemical change happens when the wood is heated.
Physical Change Ice Water Water Vapour melting evaporation Definition: It is a change between the substance’s phase without creating a new substance. A related sentence: In order to get water from water vapour, students use condensation.
Kinetic Energy Definition: It is the energy that an object owns due to its motion. A related sentence: All moving things have kinetic energy.
Rotational Energy Definition: It is the energy produced from an object that its molecules are rotating around an axis. A related sentence: A science teacher told his students that a rotational energy wouldn’t change bond lengths and angles.
Vibrational Energy Definition: It is the energy produced from an object’ movement which can change the bond lengths and angles. A related sentence: Bending is a way in which water can produce vibrational energy.
Translational Energy Definition: It is the energy produced from an object that its molecules are travelling in a straight line. A related sentence: The water molecules travels in a straight way so that the translational energy produces.