Mike Rees Head of Engineering Apprentice Mobility Project 2011/12 Catalonia, Spain
Presentation aims: Project overview Planning & preparation Time in SpainSmall printBenefitsSuccess factors
Project overview Four Electrical Engineering apprentices from two employers Apprentices were between 17 & 21 years of age 2 weeks work experience in pairs in two Spanish companies Olot, Catalonia – North of BarcelonaMarch 2012
Planning & preparation Regular communication with the host college in Spain via Skype and An employer advice evening held, itinerary sent out and briefing sessions held at company sites Apprentices were chosen in collaboration with employers Selection was by interview & review of progress in their college and NVQ work
Planning & preparation CiLT Cymru provided two language preparation days for staff & apprentices Apprentices used Europass system to record the project Apprenticeship frameworks & learner skills were sent to Spain well in advance H&S vetting documents & employer insurance shared via host college Directed by host college for hotel & transport choices
Spain We used college transport to and from the airport Cheapest flights were Heathrow to Barcelona
Spain Olot – very rural and so own transport was essential Hotel staff were very accommodating & helpful We allowed 1 day to find our way around Host college staff accompanied us to work placements on first day A first day monitoring risk assessment was carried out using our standard college forms Regular contact was maintained with the companies throughout the placements
Spain – work placements
Spain – students at work Students worked 8am – 2pm 3pm – 5pm Daily reports for NVQ portfolios
Spain – staff Regular visits to companies - ensured safe working & relevant tasks Daily visits to college – worked with tutors and examined best practice Taught classes!
Spain - cultural Language was an education! Tapas – very popular Local food was ‘interesting’ Bowling & go-karting Barcelona was a big hit!!
Small print Travel & health insurance – students arranged E111 and own travel insurance Employers’ liability insurance was extended to include the project in an EU Country It is easier if large cost items such as food, accommodation, flights and transport are paid up-front Employer buy-in and regular communication is essential A finance system that satisfies the college and Colegau Cymru requirements is required Using work experience for NVQ portfolio can be achieved
Benefits Student enrichment & skills advancementStudent confidence and aspirations raised Raised profile of the college, apprenticeships and companies Staff development opportunity International links for the college and employers Employer engagement was excellent
Key factors to success Planning – Planning - PlanningRegular contact with Spanish collegeSelection processEmployer ‘buy-in’ is very effective
Key factors to success Who manages the project? Colegau Cymru WBL Engineering Department International Manager H&S OfficerEmployers Host College
Key factors to success Engineering department Colegau Cymru WBL Engineering department International Manager H&S OfficerEmployersHost college
The future Two Engineering projects, one Construction and one BES project approved for 2012/14 Engineering: Spain – Mechanical Apprentices Germany – Welding Apprentices Construction: Germany – Plasterers Building Services: Germany - Plumbers Several college staff wish to be involvedEmployers are asking – how many can they send?!Correspondence already started with host colleges