Increasing High School Options in Spokane Public Schools School Board Presentation August 11, 2010
9 th – 12 th Student Exit Data Students ‘Choiced’ Out of SPS 732 Students ‘Dropped’ Out of SPS 1270 Total left SPS High Schools Why do we need more HS options?
Overview of Options OptionsHavermale CampusSkills Center Campus On Track Academy (Grades 11 & 12) 65 students280 students Medicine Wheel Academy (Grades 9 – 12) 45 students Contract-Based Education (Grades 10 – 12) 60 students30 students The Community School (Grades 9 – 12) 200 students Total370 students310 students
What is ALE? WAC : Alternative Learning Experience An alternative learning experience may be counted as a course of study... ALE may be provided in whole or part, outside the regular classroom setting, including those learning experiences provided digitally via the internet or other electronic means.
1.Written student learning plan (WSLP) – Learning goals and objectives aligned with state standards – Course syllabus part of the WSLP – Instructional materials aligned to state standards – Evaluation methods explicit in student’s plan – Student performance supervised and evaluated by certificated staff 2.Must have at least weekly contact with teacher 3.Monthly progress monitoring ALE Program Requirements
Options at the Havermale Campus On Track Academy Contract-Based Education Medicine Wheel Academy The Community School
Engaging the Disengaged Students don’t see relevance in what is taught – ‘school is boring’ Lack of voice – ‘not being heard’ – teacher-directed The academic challenge is too low or too high Don’t feel connected to large comprehensive high school – ‘anonymous’ and ‘invisible’ Life circumstances that seem insurmountable Reasons students drop out/choice out
2006 – Began a three year school improvement – Personalized school climate that welcomes discouraged learners -- student voice (Advisory) – Engaging classroom instruction – Twice-yearly Student Led Conferences – Community College connections – Strong PLC focused on continuous improvement Next step – More intentional approach to learning that is unique, challenging, and relevant The Evolution of Havermale
The Community School Our Mission Individually Focused Rigorous Authentic Learning Connected to the Community
Focus on the Three R’s Individual Student Learning Plans targeted to standards Performance-based assessment through Exhibitions of Learning Project-Based Learning that incorporates service learning Connected to Spokane businesses and organizations (inquiry based) Personalized learning culture - Small is good! Strengthened relationship with families, community mentors Rigor Relevance Relationship
Support/Resources SPS Instructional Programs Coalition of Essential Schools Small Schools Project/CES NW – Katy Karschney Wings Digital ALE Software - Ann Gragert Community Advisory Committee Support/Resources
Conclusion Clear, intentional design of high school options will increase graduation rates. High school options offer student and parent ‘choice,’ addressing the unique needs and interests of each learner. Students will be better prepared for college, careers, and contribution to the community.