Program Update April 21, 2014
ARTSPIRATION PROGRAM UPDATE Since we last met, here’s an update on our work: Networking and Program Infrastructure Committee meetings Time investment on learning about the arts education landscape, locally, state-wide and nationally. Relationships and collaborations formed.
COMMUNICATIONS Social Media Facebook: Artspiration Instagram: #ArtspirationSCCOE Google+ Pinterest: ArtspirationSCCOE YouTube: ArtspirationSCCOE New SCCOE website coming soon! SCCOE communications channels
ARTSPIRED … VISITS AND RELATIONSHIP BUILDING WITH SCHOOLS Visits and collaboration with Palo Alto High School Fiery Arts Program Installations Los Altos High School Freestyle Academy Ida Price Middle School music Community School of Music and Art Leigh High School High schools of Fremont Union HSD Monta Vista, Homestead, Lynbrook, Cupertino, and Fremont More visits scheduled in the weeks to come.
ADVOCACY Promote LCFF Toolkit via social media Promoted March Arts Month as platform for arts advocacy/LCFF/LCAP Resolution from SCCOE, Proclamations from Rep. Mike Honda and City of San Jose Attended Americans for the Arts Arts Advocacy Day in DC (March) Visited Silicon Valley Congressional representatives; met NEA personnel, other state arts organizations, attended briefing for NEA at the White House.
STUDENT ADVOCACY While visiting schools, discovered that many high schools were not participating in the Young Artist Showcase – created HS Showcase and will introduce digital exhibition for music, theatre, dance and digital arts. Two commissions from Palo Alto HS: glass beads for March Arts Month and lobby installation. Young Artist Showcase expansion for next year: allowing more medium for visual arts and music. Exploring community venues SCCOE Gallery showcase
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Created core group to plan professional development for school districts/schools, focused on arts integration and the Common Core State Standards. Morgan Hill USD will be “STEAM school lab”; other schools are calling Currently researching Arts Integration Specialist possibility for SCCOE via STEAM or other collaborations. Will offer arts integration for teachers via the Curriculum & Instruction department’s Curriculum Leadership Collaborative (CLC) trainings throughout the year. Introducing at the Summer Institute.
ARTS COHORT Through a collaboration with the Hirschhorn Museum, in Washington DC, we will create a Teacher Arts Cohort, who will have access to the museum’s collections in assisting with writing arts content lessons. They will be archived on our websites for teachers to utilize.
CONFERENCE PARTNERSHIP Formalized partnership with San Jose State University and Montalvo Arts to present spring and fall workshops for teachers/arts educators Arts in your Classroom (spring) – Villa Montalvo with STEAM focus Marion Cilker Arts Conference (fall) – San Jose arts partners
COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVE Presentation to the docents of the San Jose Museum of Art on the Common Core State Standards Judge for San Jose’s Downtown Doors contest and the PTA art contest Collaborator with the Arts Museum of Los Gatos High School Art Show Presentation to the City of Sunnyvale’s Art Commission Presentation to the GATE parents in the Oak Grove School District Goal to present Artspiration to all City Art Commissions. introduction sent in February. Artspark volunteer: San Jose Taiko/Symphony Silicon Valley Supported San Jose Jazz, CreaTV at events
Professional collaborations: CCSESA Region 5, networking with Alameda and Fresno COE. Met other VAPA coordinators at CCSESA meeting in Sacramento.
NEW VISION Charting the future: Development of a new vision, mission, goals and action plan. Introducing the Artspiration Foundational Pillars – Students/Teachers & Arts Educators/Community
NEXT STEPS … Reorganization/Rebranding Professional development and CLC Launch for next school year, including Student Committee, March Arts month/community involvement with Children’s Faire Prepare for Cilker Conference and Chinese Bridge Cup Arts Contest Work on Teacher Cohort Connect with all cities within Santa Clara County boundary, begin public installation Connect with City of San Jose public library SCCOE Gallery