Me llamo _______ Clase 601 La fecha es el 21 de enero del 2016 Proposito #38: ¿Como son los miembros de tu familia? L.O: To practice family vocabulary Actividad Inicial: COPY and complete with the correct family member in Spanish. 1.Mi hermano y mi hermana son mis _______ 2.Mi tio y mi tia son mis _______ 3.Mi primo y mi prima son mis ________ 4.Mi abuelo y mi abuela son mis ________ 5.Mis parientes son mis _______, mis ______ y mis ________
Más vocabulario gatito(a) – kitten Perrito(a)-Puppy único(a) -Only Menor-younger Mayor-older Cariñoso(a) –sweet/lovable
You will be creating an “extraordinary” FAMILY TREE. Let your imagination take control. You may use historical figures, cartoons, videogame characters, celebrities, etc. You must include: TITLE: La familia (name of family) You must include: Grandparents, Parents, Children, Aunts & Uncles,Cousins, Pet(s) (optional) Must have a picture for each family member. Label all of the FAMILY MEMBER TITLES & their names Mini-Proyecto: Una familia extraordinaria
An index card, with a couple of Spanish sentences stating: o The name of the family o Is it a big or small family o How many members there are (hay) in the family. o Who the members of the family are (title & name) Is REQUIRED!!!! *Use 8 ½ x 11 paper ONLY* MAKE IT BEAUTIFUL, THE MORE CREATIVE THE BETTER! DUE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27 TH !!!!