1 SETTING THE SCENE : The Challenges in Community Care Dare to Care South West Sydney Ageing & Disability Conference Christine Regan Council of Social Service of NSW (NCOSS) 19 July 2007
2 Challenges in Community Care: Acknowledgements for information and cartoons to: Productivity Commission Report on Government Services 2007 HACC Minimum Data Set Ministerial Advisory Committee on Ageing for graphics from past publications of the NSW Consultative Committee on the Ageing
3 A picture of NSW HACC HACC reached 196,442 people in NSW in or 25.42% HACC clients in Australia HACC spending in in NSW will be $533.9 million
4 HACC Services 3.7% Australian population were reported in the HACC MDS IN NSW: 45.9% HACC clients received only one service type 23.3% received 2 service types 14.7% received 3 service types 16.3% received 4 or more services types
5 NSW HACC Client Profile 65.8% of NSW HACC clients were female, 34.2% male 14.5% of NSW HACC clients mainly spoke a language other than English at home 3.4% NSW HACC clients were Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people 23.8% NSW HACC clients were aged under 70 years 68.1% NSW Aboriginal HACC clients were aged under 70 years 0.3% NSW HACC clients were carers
6 NSW HACC Client Profile Income status in NSW: 91.5% HACC clients received a government pension or benefit 67.4% Aged Pension 11.2% Disability Support Pension 11.2% Department of Veterans Affairs Living situation in NSW: 54.6% of HACC clients lived with family or friends, 45.4% lived alone
7 Reproduced from Retirement: A Survey 1996, NSW Consultative Committee on Ageing
8 NSW HACC Client Profile Type of Housing: 72.9% in own homes or under purchase 10.1% in public housing 9.5% in private rental 3.9% in self-care in retirement villages 1.2% in residential aged care facilities 0.6% in supported accommodation 0.4% in temporary or insecure housing
9 HACC Client Profile in NSW Location: 60.1% major cities 26% inner regional areas 12.1% outer regional areas 0.9% remote areas 0.1% very remote areas
10 Community & Aged Care Comparisons Residential Aged Care in NSW: 56,107 people $1.540 billion government funding Home & Community Care in NSW: 196,442 people $443.9 million government funding Veterans Home Care in NSW: 25,863 services $29.1 million government funding
11 Community & Aged Care Comparisons Community Aged Care Packages in NSW: 11,945 people $124.1 million government funding Extended Aged Care at Home in NSW: 816 people $19.9 million government funding National Respite for Carers 34,551 people $ million government funding
12 HACC in South West Sydney ,308 HACC clients clients per 1000 HACC target population 38.4 average hours per client 70.5 average age youngest in NSW 26.4% clients aged under 65 years highest in NSW 1% clients are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
14 Challenges in Community Care: What are we trying to do? People are healthy & supported while maintaining independence at home Home and social supports Focus on flexible and social outcomes Growth in industry
15 Challenges in Community Care: Pressures on Demand: Escalating populations of both older people and people with disabilities People are living longer Higher client expectations Under-met needs
16 Reproduced from Volunteering and Older People 1996, NSW Consultative Committee on Ageing
17 Challenges in Community Care: Changing expectations : Standards of care Familiar environs Balancing low needs against high needs Deluxe versus regular
18 Reproduced from Volunteering and Older People 1996, NSW Consultative Committee on Ageing
19 Challenges in Community Care: Pressures on Demand: Gap between rich and poor growing Increased workplace participation Changing volunteer profile Families dispersing Failure or limitations of other service systems
20 Challenges in Community Care: Pressures on service provision: Many programs Co-ordinated care Streamed funding, ie silos Flexible solutions vs data and contracting
21 Reproduced from Never too late to learn 1997, NSW Consultative Committee on Ageing
22 Challenges in Community Care: Pressures on Industry: Greater admin & reporting responsibilities Slowing of growth in funding relative to demand Paid Workforce issues Volunteer workforce issues Escalating costs in metro areas Reduction in regional and rural infrastructure
23 Challenges in Community Care: Pressures on Industry: Continuous reforms efficiency requirements more with less Staying competitive Market forces
24 Challenges in Community Care: Pressures always on the Horizon: Commonwealth State relations User pays Demand continues to outstrip supply Two tiered system
25 Reproduced from Volunteering and Older People 1996, NSW Consultative Committee on Ageing
26 Challenges in Community Care: What is the role of community care into the future? How can community care be sustainable? Why do you work in community care? Do we Dare to Care???? Absolutely!