Progressive Era
Problems of the 1890s Huge gap between the rich and the poor Wealthy had tremendous economic power Industrial workers lived in squalor and worked in dangerous conditions
Reasons for Reform Inequities in the American economic system: not all Americans shared the fruits of the industrial wealth Unfair labor practices Big business was in cahoots with government to gain benefits Citizens desired positive reform Investigative journalists dug up facts
Levels of Progressive reform Reform shifted from the farm to the city Reform climbed the ladder from the local government, to state government and finally to the national government
McKinley Assassinated, September 1901
Emma Goldman Leading anarchist Emma Goldman was denounced for not condemning killer Anarchism in the USA generally lost favor after McKinley’s assassination
President Theodore Roosevelt
The “Teddy” bear
The “Bully Pulpit” means ______
TR campaigning
TR: first president to ride in a car! (1902)
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Woodrow Wilson
Inauguration, 1913
Suffrage movement means _
Federal Employee growth
Progressive Reformers
1. Jacob Riis: Poverty Issues
Tenement Housing
How the Other Half Lives Described the plight of the poor Used photos to graphically detail the poverty of newly arrived immigrants and the working poor
Uncovered checks detailing bribery 2. Lincoln Steffens
Immigrants treated unfairly
3. Tarbell Investigated Standard Oil Uncovered secret deals made between Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and Vanderbilt to put the competition out of business
4. Frank Norris’ The Octopus Used the novel format to describe the conflict between California wheat growers and railroads Railroads charged unfair prices
5. Charles Edward Russell Investigated Georgia chain gangs Uncovered the bribery, blackmail, and cruelty of the chain gang system
6. Edward Bok
Studied patent medicines
Tonics filled with drugs No regulation of the patent drug industry Those who dispensed drugs did not know their effects
Cocaine & alcohol in tonics
Morphine in baby medicine
7. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle
Hogs with cholera slaughtered
TR learned from Sinclair
TR’s Trust Busting
8. David Graham Phillips Studied the corruption in the U.S. Senate Discovered bribery between big business and government
17th Amendment Created direct election of U.S. Senators
Lewis Hines Child Labor Photographs,
Doffer Boys
Spinning “mill” girls
Mill girl = 48¢ per day
News boy in Philadelphia
Mine boy in Pittston, PA
Breaker Boys
Cigar Maker Boys
Seafood “cutting” Boys
Oyster Boy, age 9
Fruit pickers
Lumber Boys, Vermont
Youth Gamblers