Be a Friend, Not a Bully!
True or False? 1. Cyberbullying generally involves physical violence.
False Cyberbullying usually happens over electronic media.
True or False? 2. People are more likely to say mean things online than in person.
True Being anonymous can make some people forget their manners.
True or False? 3. Cyberbullying can make people feel bad.
True Yes, Cyberbullies can make people feel real bad.
True or False? 4. You should reply to mean messages you receive on your cell phone and on your .
False You should ignore the mean message and tell an adult.
True or False? 5. If you receive a mean message or a threat on your phone or computer, you should delete it right away.
False You should show the mean message or inappropriate picture to a trusted adult so they can help you solve the problem.
True or False? 6. Most bullies like to pick on large groups of people.
False Most bullies back down when they encounter a crowd.
True or False? 7.Bullying usually only happens once.
False Bullying is repeated, negative, aggressive behavior with the intent of gaining power over someone.
True or False 8. All bullying is done by boys.
False Bullying can be done by boys or by girls.
True or False? 9. When you notice someone being bullied, you should ignore it.
False You should tell the bully to stop and tell the nearest adult.
True or False? 10. Bullying only happens in schools.
False Unfortunately, bullying happens anywhere people interact.