In your groups, form your own student union. Name it! List your grievances with Deptford High School, and your union’s demands. How will you achieve your goals? We’re Not Gonna Take It!
Many employers disliked/feared unions, and tried to stop them by… Forbidding union meetings Firing union organizers Making new employees sign “yellow dog” contracts Reaction of Employers
Railway workers protest unfair wage cuts and unsafe working conditions Violent and unorganized President Rutherford B Hayes sends in federal troops to put down the strikes The Great Railroad Strike of 1877
The Haymarket Riot Haymarket, Chicago, 1886 May 1 – Workers mount national demonstration for 8 hour work day May 3 – Police break up fight between strikers and scabs Scab – Term for a worker called in to replace striking workers May 4 – Protestors joined by anarchists. A bomb goes off, killing a cop, dozens more die
The Homestead Strike 1892 – Andrew Carnegie’s partner Henry Frick cuts workers’ wages at Carnegie steel Workers union organize a strike, and Frick calls in the Pinkertons, leading to the deaths of several workers The strike is called off after a failed assassination attempt on Frick
Pullman Strike Another strike by union workers from the railroads Railway owners turn to the government for help Judge rules against the unions, citing the Sherman Antitrust Act.