April 2016 Marie Keen Quality Improvement Officer – Early Years STANDARDS, QUALITY AND IMPROVEMENT PLANNING Early learning and Childcare April 2016 Marie Keen Quality Improvement Officer – Early Years
Aims of the session To provide guidance on the completion of the standards, quality and improvement plan. To enable participants to link self- evaluation and improvement planning. To develop participants’ confidence in the standards, quality and improvement planning process.
Self evaluation documents How Good is our Early Learning and Childcare?
How good is our early learning and childcare?
3 key questions How are we doing? How do we know? What are we going to do now?
What are we going to do now? How are we doing? How do we know? p.9 What are we going to do now?
SQIP COMPONENTS Standards and quality report Improvement plan action pages Summary of evaluations against key indicators (appendix 1) Report to parents
STANDARDS AND QUALITY REPORT This should be informed by ”intelligence” gathered through self evaluation from a variety of sources. Question – what? Discuss The report should be evaluative Informed by information on the impact of current priorities
“This new self-evaluation framework highlights partnership and collaboration as significant features of a highly-effective school and a high performing learning system”
5 Quality Indicators Child at the Centre 2 1.1 – Improvement in performance 2.1 – Children’s experiences 5.3 – Meeting learners needs 5.1 – The curriculum 5.9 – Improvements through self evaluation What are we going to do next?
How good is our early learning and childcare?
What is our capacity for continuous improvement? Leadership and management: How good is our leadership and approach to improvement? Learning provision: How good is the quality of the care and education we provide? Successes and achievements: How good are we at ensuring the best possible outcomes for all our learners?
Collaborative approaches to self-evaluation:
Self-evaluation – taking a closer look p12
Self –evaluation: looking inwards Where are we now? Level 5 illustration based on each theme Features of highly-effective practice Challenge questions How do we know? What should we do now? P.9
Further guidance on 5th May SQIP 2016 /17 Further guidance on 5th May Section 2 – Two Options Option A 1.1 Improvements in performance 2.1 Children’s experiences 5.3 Meeting learning needs 5.1 Curriculum 5.9Improvements through self evaluation Section 3 Improvement Plan - Key areas for improvement – using the new QIs from How Good is our Early Learning and Childcare? Option B How good is our leadership and approach to improvement? How good is the quality of care and learning we offer? How good are we at ensuring the best possible outcomes for all our children?
Quality Indicators How good is our Early Learning and Childcare? Leadership and Management 1.1 Self-evaluation for self-improvement 1.2 Leadership of learning 1.3 Leadership of change 1.4 Leadership and management of staff 1.5 Management of resources to promote equity Learning Provision 2.1 Safeguarding and child protection 2.2 Curriculum 2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment 2.4 Personalised support 2.5 Family learning 2.6 Transitions 2.7 Partnerships Successes and Achievements 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion 3.2 Securing children’s progress 3.3 Developing Creativity and skills for life and learning
Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for insert name of Early Learning and Childcare setting <insert logo> insert vision statement> Standards and Quality Report for session:2015 - 2016 Improvement Plan for session: 2016 - 2017
School Centre self evaluation Table of contents Section Section title Page<insert> Standards and quality report The school/centre in context (short introductory paragraph School Centre self evaluation Option A - using The Child at the Centre QIs 1.1,2.1,5.3,5.1,5.9 Option B – using the three key questions from “How Good is our Early Learning and Childcare? Improvement plan 3 Key areas for school/centre improvement (based on next steps identified in self evaluation) 4 Cluster improvement plan (reflecting three year CfE implementation)
Standards and Quality Report 1. The school/centre in context Neighbourhood: Cluster: Level of teacher input: Total number of children 3-5 <insert brief description of the school/centre, its location and any other relevant information> Significant factors specifically affecting achievement in 2013-2014 (for example, staffing, staff training/qualifications) Education Scotland/Care Inspectorate Inspections HMIE Date Published Follow-through: Care Inspectorate Date Published Follow through:
Option A Child at the Centre QIs
2. School/Centre self evaluation 1.1 Improvements in performance Using evaluative statements report on: Children’s progress Overall quality of children’s achievement Impact of the school/centre improvement plan What are we going to do next?
2.1 - Children’s Experiences Using evaluative statements report on: Learners are motivated, eager participants in their learning. Learners make good progress in their learning. Learners know their views are sought and acted upon. They feel valued. Learners feel safe, nurtured, healthy, achieving, active, included, respected. What are we going to do next?
5.3 - Meeting Learning Needs Using evaluative statements report on: Learning opportunities, tasks, activities and resources Identification of learning needs The roles of staff (including teachers and specialist staff where appropriate) Meeting and implementing the requirements of legislation What are we going to do next?
5.1 - The Curriculum Using evaluative statements report on: The rationale and design of the curriculum The development of the curriculum Programmes Transitions What are we going to do next?
5.9 Improvement through self-evaluation Using evaluative statements report on: Commitment to self-evaluation Management of self-evaluation School/Centre improvement What are we going to do next?
How Good is our Early Learning and Childcare? Option B How Good is our Early Learning and Childcare?
Early Learning and Childcare setting self evaluation Leadership and Management 1.1 Self-evaluation for self-improvement 1.2 Leadership of learning 1.3 Leadership of change 1.4 Leadership and management of staff 1.5 Management of resources to promote equity How good is our leadership and approach to improvement? What are we going to do next?
Early Learning and Childcare setting self evaluation Learning Provision 2.1 Safeguarding and child protection 2.2 Curriculum 2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment 2.4 Personalised support 2.5 Family learning 2.6 Transitions 2.7 Partnerships How good is the quality of care and learning we offer? What are we going to do next?
Early Learning and Childcare setting self evaluation Successes and Achievements 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion 3.2 Securing children’s progress 3.3 Creativity and skills for life How good are we at ensuring the best possible outcomes for all our children? What are we going to do next?
Improvement planning
Improvement planning Builds on self-evaluation by: involving staff in understanding and valuing the best which already exists acknowledging what needs to be done identifying the best way forward
PRIORITIES Identified from: Auditing the work of the nursery National or Authority initiatives The nursery vision Local initiatives/Cluster HMIe / Care Inspectorate reports - action plan
Improvement Plan Key areas for improvement Leadership and Management QI’s1.1 and 1.3 How good is our leadership and approach to improvement? Other related QIs: Priority Overall Responsibility: Outcome and impact on learners: . Tasks By Whom Timescale Resources Progress/Impact of task
Learning provision QI’s 2.2 and 2.3 How good is the quality of the care and learning we offer?? Other related QIs: Priority Overall Responsibility: Outcome and impact on learners: . Tasks By Whom Timescale Resources Progress/Impact of task
Successes and achievements QI’s 3.2 How good are we at ensuring the best possible outcomes for all our children? Other related QIs: Priority Overall Responsibility: Outcome and impact on learners: Tasks By Whom Timescale Resources Progress/Impact of task
OUTCOMES AND IMPACT ON LEARNERS Decide what will change for the children Identify the impact on development of learning through play Consider the outcomes expected Focus on the quality of improvement for children Ensure the outcomes measure success
TASKS Clear statements outlining action and steps Describe in detail what needs to be done in the short term Start with a verb SMART SMART Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timed
TASKS Suggestions Audit…………………….. Establish a working group…………………. Plan………………………….. Select………………………. Complete……………….. Organise………………….. Develop…………………….. Monitor the progress of………… Evaluate……………………… Invite…………………………..
5. Cluster Improvement Plan Priority 1 Overall Responsibility QIs Outcome A Success Criteria Tasks By Whom Resources Timescale Progress/Evaluation of task Outcome B Success Criteria Tasks By Whom Resources Timescale Progress/Evaluation of task
Appendices 1. Summary of evaluations against key indicators (using 5 QIs from CatC)
Appendix 1 Summary of evaluations against key indicators Evaluation key: Level 6 Excellent Outstanding or sector leading Level 5 Very Good Major strengths Level 4 Good Important strengths with areas for improvement Level 3 Satisfactory Strengths just outweigh weaknesses Level 2 Weak Important weaknesses Level 1 Unsatisfactory Major weaknesses QI Evaluation 1.1 2.1 5.3 5.1 5.9 Improvements in performance Children’s experiences Meeting learning needs The curriculum Improvement through self evaluation
Some Documents to support Self evaluation Child at the Centre 2007 – Improving our curriculum through self evaluation HMIe 2008 Improving outcomes for learners through self evaluation HMIe 2008 The Journey to Excellence – Professional Development Resource Improvement Guides – (how to go from good to excellence grids) The Journey to Excellence – Learning Together – on line CPD CEC self evaluation Toolkit – using quality indicators from CatC 2 CEC – Improving outcomes for learners through self evaluation in the early years updated 2010 (on Glow and to be revised in the near future) Care Standards National (Care Commission) Inspection advice notice 2015-16 CfE briefing papers (1-9) Raising attainment document Learning together HMIe 2009 How well are learners progressing and achieving in literacy, numeracy, HWB 2011 Curriculum for Excellence National expectations: Self –evaluation resource QI 5.1curriculum and 5.9 Improvements through self evaluation 2013 Education Scotland Inspection advice notices 2015-16 Building the Ambition (2015) How Good is our Early Learning and Childcare 2016
Documents on the web Education Scotland – HMIE Advice Note on 'increased expectations' for 5.9 ( and 5.1) http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/Images/ESInspectionAdviceNote20132014_tcm4-809751.pdf Improving our Curriculum through Self Evaluation – HMIE http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/resources/i/genericcontent_tcm4747802.asp?strReferringChannel=inspectionandreview&strReferringPageID=tcm:4-682712-64&class=l1+d147708 Curriculum for Excellence: National Expectations : Self Evaluation Resource QI 5.9 http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/resources/c/genericresource_tcm4813830.asp?strReferringChannel=educationscotland&strReferringPageID=tcm:4-615801-64
Good quality support for CPD (QI 5.9 QI QI 1.2). For consideration when writing SQIP The seven characteristics required for successful implementation of Curriculum For Excellence A clear plan, based on self-evaluation, is in place for getting ‘from A to B’, of how and when changes will be achieved (QI 5.9 QI 1.1). Good quality support for CPD (QI 5.9 QI QI 1.2). Staff are working with increasing confidence with the Es&Os and know how to use these in taking a coherent approach to learning, teaching and assessment (QI 5.1 QI 2.3). Effective arrangements to assess and track progress (QI 5.9 QI 2.3). Strong and secure achievement in literacy and numeracy (QI 1.1 QI 2.2 ). Effective partnerships and involving parents(QI 5.3 QI 2.7). Good leadership is essential at all levels with a vision for the outcomes of change (QI 5.9 QI 1.2 1.3 ). Raised expectatoins Point 1 – clear plan from A-B Point 7 - leadership