MAIN HEADER GOES HERE Bullets and body text here. SSSC Overview
Background to the SSSC Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act Regulator of the social service workforce and its education and training Care Inspectorate as regulator of services Equivalent Councils in the other countries of the UK
Policy Objectives Strengthen and support the professionalism of the workforce Protect those who use services Raise standards of practice Raise public confidence in the workforce
The SSSCs Main Tasks Publish Codes of Practice Register key groups of social service workers Regulate the workforce and its education and training Contribute to workforce planning, development of qualifications and promotion of education and training
Sector Development
My Role
Registration Function based register Functions for Learning Disability Staff 1Worker/Support Worker in CHSA/CAH/HSS 2Practitioner in CHSA 3Supervisor in CHSA/CAH/HSS 4Managers in CHSA/CAH/HSS
Qualifcations Support Worker/Worker – Social Services and Healthcare SCQF Level 6 Practitioners – Social Services and Healthcare SCQF Level 7 Supervisors – Social Services and Healthcare SCQF Level credits containing supervision or management theory and practice suitable for a supervisor of a care service with a minimum of 15 credits at SCQF Level 7 Managers including (Adult Day Care) Social Services and Healthcare SCQF Level 9 and any award in management that is certificated at or above SCQF Level 8 (minimum of 60 credits) showing evidence the award has been mapped against the National Occupational Standards (NOS): Leadership and Management for Care Services or SVQ 4 Care Services Leadership and Management at SCQF Level 10
Relevant Units Social Services and Healthcare – SCQF Level 6 SCDHSC0029 Support individuals to meet their domestic and personal needs This standard identifies the requirements when supporting individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle which will enable them to meet with their domestic and personal needs. This includes supporting individuals to obtain, prepare and store food that meets their nutritional and dietary requirements, supporting them to identify and obtain household and personal goods and supporting them to keep their home healthy, safe and secure. SCDHSC0213 Provide food and drink to promote individuals’ health and well being This standard identifies requirements when you provide food and drink for individuals who need support to eat and drink. This includes supporting individuals to communicate what they wish to eat and drink and preparing their selected food and drink. It also includes serving food and drink, supporting the individual to consume it and clearing away when they have finished.
Relevant Units Social Services and Healthcare - SCQF Level 7 SCDHSC3112 Support individuals to manage their own health and social well-being This standard identifies the requirements when working with individuals to design personalised options for managing their own health and social wellbeing. This includes supporting individuals to identify changes to their lives and environment that can promote their health and social well-being, supporting them to select their own options to implement changes and working together to review how well selected options have achieved desired outcomes. SFHCHS17 Carry out extended feeding techniques to ensure individuals nutritional and fluid intake This standard covers feeding individuals using techniques other than oral feeding. These methods include Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) feeds, nasogastric (NG) tube feeds and subcutaneous fluid infusions. This standard does not cover intravenous techniques for giving fluids. Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice reflects up to date Information and policies.
Brian Smith
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